insieme green

INSIEME is the Italian word for "together" and it communicates my desire for us to be one team, serving one purpose.


In Times Of Confusion, Seek Clarity, Speak Cautiously And Stay Centered ... This Is God's Plan For Us!

Times of confusion ... I know about these moments ... and I bet you do as well. We all have our stories, don't we?

Generally, these times are difficult for us because of ... our complete lack of control, loss of confidence, and limited vision.

For me, I find that these times of confusion are when I become most aware of this great truth ...

In Times Of Confusion, Seek Clarity, Speak Cautiously And Stay Centered ... This Is God's Plan For Us!

In a devotional article from "My Pathways" entitled "Finding Wisdom and Strength in Times of Confusion" the writer echos my sentiments perfectly with this statement, "Confusion is something very common to man. Yet the Bible says, “God is not the author of confusion but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). God is never the cause or source of confusion. However, He certainly allows confusion to confront us to allow us to sort through issues, process truth, come to wisdom, gain strength, and be at peace.

We know for sure that confusion and the chaos that it creates could never be from our God ... but He does come into these places on our behalf ... as He is the only One who can declare peace, define order, and demand stability.

I love knowing that His plan is always to rescue and restore us ... and to allow us to receive from these times of confusion.

We are not praying for escape ... we are pressing in to fully embrace all that is to be ours.

In Times Of Confusion, Seek Clarity, Speak Cautiously And Stay Centered ... This Is God's Plan For Us!

These are the critical realities that are always under attack in times of confusion. Actually, they are reasons why we find ourselves there and the restoration of these realities will free us from those times.

▪ Seek Clarity - we know that the loss of connection with God assures that there will be a loss of clarity. It is the abiding presence of God that brings strength, wisdom, and clarity to us. When we are separated from Him, we instantly go into crisis. Often we do not sense the loss of connection but we will quickly be thrust into a situation that makes it abundantly clear. In times of confusion, we need clarity ... and as we renew our intimate connection with God ... clarity is restored.
▪ Speak Cautiously - the lack of courage is a great casualty of times of confusion ... and when we lack spiritual courage we do need to speak cautiously. Often in times of confusion, we are tempted to say too much or too little. Some rage against God in these moments and others rudely tune Him out. Either one is a terrible choice! In times of confusion, let us speak cautiously with restraint ... rebuild our courage, renew our hearts and minds with His wisdom ... and then speak.
▪ Stay Centered - times of confusion are so chaotic and challenging that we can easily lose our sense of centeredness. Too often our emotions come into play and we are far more emotional than we are spiritual. We are reacting to every moment rather than responding to the Spirit. With this limitation, there will be no stability and we will undoubtedly be tossed about by every wind or wave. Stay centered ... let's focus on Him, anchor our hearts, and refuse to stray far from Him.
Seek Clarity - we know that the loss of connection with God assures that there will be a loss of clarity. It is the abiding presence of God that brings strength, wisdom, and clarity to us. When we are separated from Him, we instantly go into crisis. Often we do not sense the loss of connection but we will quickly be thrust into a situation that makes it abundantly clear. In times of confusion, we need clarity ... and as we renew our intimate connection with God ... clarity is restored.
Speak Cautiously - the lack of courage is a great casualty of times of confusion ... and when we lack spiritual courage we do need to speak cautiously. Often in times of confusion, we are tempted to say too much or too little. Some rage against God in these moments and others rudely tune Him out. Either one is a terrible choice! In times of confusion, let us speak cautiously with restraint ... rebuild our courage, renew our hearts and minds with His wisdom ... and then speak.
Stay Centered - times of confusion are so chaotic and challenging that we can easily lose our sense of centeredness. Too often our emotions come into play and we are far more emotional than we are spiritual. We are reacting to every moment rather than responding to the Spirit. With this limitation, there will be no stability and we will undoubtedly be tossed about by every wind or wave. Stay centered ... let's focus on Him, anchor our hearts, and refuse to stray far from Him.

In Times Of Confusion, Seek Clarity, Speak Cautiously And Stay Centered ... This Is God's Plan For Us!

I know this is true ... and I know that now, more than ever before, is the time for us to take all of this on ... and say yes to Him!

Are you in ... I know i am!

All in, actually ... and ready to say "Yes, yes Lord AMEN"


2020 THEME

Rendering Ourselves Empty ... In Order To Receive His Plenty!

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FEIC idea1


▪ Believe In Each Other
▪ Take Care Of Each Other
▪ Stay Close To Each Other
▪ Pray Over Each Other
Believe In Each Other
Take Care Of Each Other
Stay Close To Each Other
Pray Over Each Other

Contact Information

Terry & Ruthanne Hoggard


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