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Feeling trapped? Make your escape with an IIT e-course or one of Tanis' bestselling books!

Dear Friend,

What a topsy turvy fall it's been this year! I'm learning yet more life lessons and gaining insight into how IIT can be of service us all. This month's newsletter includes:

▪ A brand new article about the challenges and opportunities of renovating our lives
▪ The 15% discount on all of our e-courses - newly revised and updated for 2018 - continues for 7 more days
▪ Favourite photos from my North American workshop this past weekend on how to work with elementals
▪ Join my good friend and IIT graduate Sonya Roy's trip to Peru this November/December
A brand new article about the challenges and opportunities of renovating our lives
The 15% discount on all of our e-courses - newly revised and updated for 2018 - continues for 7 more days
Favourite photos from my North American workshop this past weekend on how to work with elementals
Join my good friend and IIT graduate Sonya Roy's trip to Peru this November/December

As always, what a lovely group of people I've been lucky to spend time with at my Working and Playing with Nature Spirits workshop in Blue Mountain, Ontario, Canada this past weekend.

Thank you so much to Tricia Sybersma for hosting the workshop. Tricia has six horses and we had the opportunity to practice deep listening and healing with the horses as part of our program.

Here are some of my favourite moments from the weekend.


A beautiful day with the group at Blue Mountain.

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Here I am meeting one of Tricia's horses.

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Enjoying the bounty of the apple harvest with workshop host Tricia!


15% off ALL e-Courses NOW ON UNTIL OCTOBER 7

We have spent the last few months revising and improving all of our self study e-courses - and what a big job it's been!

To celebrate, we're offering a 15% discount on all of these courses for September only. Get your copies today and join or start a study group in your area. Fall 2018 study groups are already forming! Support each other on your spiritual transformation journey by joining an e-course self-study group. Contact study group facilitators here:

▪ North America, https://www.iitransform.com/north-america/
▪ Europe, https://www.iitransform.com/europe-2018/
North America, https://www.iitransform.com/north-america/
Europe, https://www.iitransform.com/europe-2018/

Our e-courses are an excellent way to work an affordable spiritual retreat into your busy life!


Transform Yourself (TYS) - 15% off

Has a life change got you looking for a life-changing experience?
Are you struggling with your purpose or mission in life?

Perhaps things are changing and you want or need a new perspective. Maybe you’re feeling a little out of control, down right afraid, or even immobilized. Has life got you considering a path that may not align with your real purpose?

Transform Yourself accelerates your spiritual transformation using the evolutionary new Etheric Clearing Technique (ECT). Clear away old thought patterns and align your life to your true purpose.


Transform Your Work (TYW) - 15% off

Are you working to live or living to work?
Do you leave your heart on the couch when you head off to your job?
* Are you looking for more fulfillment or meaning at work?

If your work-a-day world is draining your energy then it’s time to get an energy adjustment. The Transform Your Work self-study ecourse is designed to inspire your life and get you back in the flow.

Transform Your Work helps you develop your spiritual intelligence (SQ). Leads to increased personal and professional effectiveness in your life and work.


Spiritual Transformation (ST) - 15% off

Increase your compassion and joy!

Are you feeling restless or dissatisfied?
Are you tired of the struggle?
* Are blame and shame ruling your inner and outer world?

It might be time to give yourself a new perspective. You may be going through a spiritual transformation.

Recognize the signs of spiritual transformation, and unite your personality with your soul’s purpose giving you greater meaning in your life.


Fear Transformed (FT) - 15% off

Are your fears holding you back?
Are you a slave to the negative effects of your past and worries about the future?
* Is fear controlling your life?

Sign up for the challenges that life presents – build an authentic brave heart!

Fear Transformed, is our newest self-study ecourse! This powerful new program will move you from fear to love.

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by Tanis Helliwell

I am in the middle of a house renovation. You might have gone through this in your own life so you KNOW what it is like to live through continual hammering, dust, and delays. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? But I have found gold amongst the rubble. Most importantly, I CHOSE to do the Reno and this is the major reason I am writing to you.

Let’s back up a bit as I want to speak of my life the last few months. My creativity has been non-existent. Partially it has to do with fatigue from giving six courses in Europe without a break. Another reason is the ongoing health concerns of my partner. A third has to do with family discord…and that is an understatement for what is happening. Added to all this is the time I am spending on my least favorite work, administrative and computer work, keeping our International Institute for Transformation (which I love) current.

Ahhh, now that you have heard the litany of overload—which you might also be able to identify with—I’d like to share with you the gift I’ve discovered underneath the chaos. Your question might well be, “Why would you choose to add more stress to what already exists in your life?” Good point and normally I would agree with you. However, under these stressors in my day-to-day reality, I feel deep subconscious undercurrents stirring and starting to rise to the surface. These call for a different response.

When creativity dries up and we can’t see what spirit calls us to do next, we can’t push forward. To do so, only muddies the waters. We are in a pause period and we must surrender to this and wait until light begins to shine in the darkness once again. This is the time of what Jung called the shadow. A time when one way of doing in our life leaves and a new one has not yet come into form. It is a time of emptiness in the outer world but a time of gestating a baby in the inner. It is a time calling for deep trust in the divine plan that we are not abandoned and that inspiration will return and with it the energy to move forward to manifest the next step in our destiny.

It is a time when all the work that is being done is in the unconscious, something we do not see or know until that blessed time when what is unknown rises to the surface and becomes the known. This time is upon me. It is not only my personal shadow but the shadow of my personal and extended family. It is a deep ancestral wounding that is calling on to be healed. And it is being healed in the unconscious through the love and surrender and acceptance and even gratitude that I send to it.

It is, at the same time, the collective wound of the world that is rising to the surface that calls to be healed. And, as I allow the healing in my lineage, I allow it in the collective. There is no difference. The non-judgmental allowing is the important attitude.

“How does this relate to renovating your house?” I hear you asking. My answer is that I am tearing down the old that no longer feeds my soul and am creating a new structure and container that best represents me at this time in my life. I am updating my life to the present and not clinging to the past. Whether we throw out clothes that don’t fit or redecorate our home, the purpose is the same and the autumn in nature is a perfect time for us also to do as the Bible says, “Gather in the wheat and leave the chaff.” At this time, while awaiting the birth of the new baby, I can prepare the outer room to welcome it. This is a gift and a joy!


November 19 to December 8, 2018

This tour is led by Sonya Roy, an IIT graduate as well as a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher and KARUNA Holy Fire II Master teacher. She has led tours to Peru several times. She has written the first two books of Tinay the Warrior Princess Series, The Initiation, and The Apprentice and her third book has just been published. For more information on her books visit: www.tinaythewarriorprincess.com

▪ $2185.00 USD
▪ This price includes all land travel within Peru, domestic flights, meet and assist at the airport, guides.
$2185.00 USD
This price includes all land travel within Peru, domestic flights, meet and assist at the airport, guides.

For more information about her Peru trip http://sonyaroy.com/English/spiritual-journeys.php


This month, a photo of a fairy out house on my rest walk - hah!

Do you have an image of a leprechaun, gnome or another elemental? We would love to add it to the Leprechaun Website.

Send it in to info(at)iitransform.com, or post it on Instagram using the hashtag #tanisleprechaun (remember to make it public) and we'll share it in our next IIT newsletter, too.

I'm looking forward to seeing your photos.



Love as always,

tanis signature

Tanis Helliwell
International Institute for Transformation

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