Magic & Mental illness.

Hello Soul Family

I have been there—the dark space where you feel like there is no escape, the feeling that an elephant is sitting on your chest and you can’t breathe, that you are worthless. I am not talking about normal feelings of sadness and pain; I am talking about the ones that are endless. I am talking about mental illness. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc.

Those who practice alternative religions are often the ones who that hide in the shadows in fear of being “found out.” I remember in my younger years, I was so anxious that kids in my high school would judge or bully me. I remember walking on the school bus and hearing comments like, “she’s weird” or “she wears really strange jewelry.” As an adult, I can laugh these off—I mean, they were true! As a teenager, I couldn't. I found only a few people who shared my beliefs; therefore, my young witch-self became locked in the broom closet.

What elevated these fears and compounded them was that I was already suffering from major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder. On top of the fear of potential bullying or isolation, I also had to deal with the feelings of an anxious mind and the inner dark demon of depression. As I grew older, I learned that I was helped greatly by medication and counseling—and my spiritual practice.

As Pagans, we are constantly having to defend our religious beliefs. Wearing a pentacle often makes the layperson ask, “Are you a devil worshipper?” It can sometimes lead to uncomfortable judgmental conversations. Or we don’t say anything at all and let people think what they think. And for what we practice, it’s often hard to find like-minded people, especially if you live in a part of the world where witchcraft can lead you into a lot more trouble, like prison or even death. Most of us entered into our belief systems as solitary practitioners. Not having a coven or group in which things are openly shared amongst peers often leads to feelings of isolation. When those of us are lucky enough to find a coven or a group, we often enter with feelings of anxiety about whether it’s the right fit, whether they will like you, and whether you will be part of the family in the end. And, for those of us already suffering from mental illness, it can make everything seem so much worse.

Let me just say first that there is absolutely nothing wrong with openly admitting that you have a mental illness, and nor is it wrong for you express that you do not practice a mainstream religion; however, I know that certain circumstances require someone to be quiet about both. If you are suffering from a mental illness and need help, please do not hesitate to reach out—there is no shame in it!

One of the main ways that I can focus with my life and my magical studies and workings is through my spiritual practices and beliefs. It’s being in a place of comfort that I can pick up the pieces of myself that feel broken when the depression and anxiety feel overwhelming. It also helps me to reconnect to the spirits and guides I work with to remind me I am not alone—even when I feel like I am.

Here are a few rules you can consider going by when living a magical life with mental illness:
• Do not practice any form of magic if you are feeling extremely depressed or emotional. Remember, doing magical workings require the use of your energy, which can already be zapped when you are in your down phase. Wait until you can work with a clear mind. If you feel like you have a good enough grip on your illness and can work while being clearheaded, try doing some shadow work.

• Take the time to honor yourself. I know how depression makes you feel like you are broken and worthless. As hard as it can be, take the time to remember that we are not perfect. Keep a journal of all the things that you are great at (even if you feel like you are not at the time).

• Treat yourself. Everyone loves chocolate, right? Take a warm bath with candles and incense, try to relax, and then ground yourself with a nice piece of chocolate! Chocolate is a great way to indulge yourself (in moderation of course). Or, you can have a cup of your favorite tea and just be mindful of the tea as you drink it, letting it fill your soul with love and kindness for yourself.

• Meditate and petition. Sit in front of your altar and just meditate on what brings you joy. Write down everything that makes you happy, and place the petition on your altar, asking your deities or spirits for guidance in remembering that you a great person, even when you feel like you are not.

• Work with a specific deity to help get you through your depression. This can seem like an overwhelming task, especially if the deities you already work with are not known to help depression. But look at one of the

deities that are associated with war and battles (Morrigan, Ogun, etc.). As someone with mental illness, you are fighting a battle. You can have an altar made specifically for one or two battle-oriented deities—and this is who you can work with daily to help with depression.


. Fire: If you are having a particularly bad day, write down everything you are feeling and burn it.

Water: If you feel the need to cleanse yourself but can’t take a bath or shower, wash your hands under running water and see the darkness drain into the sink.

Air: Burn an incense that you love, and if you don’t have a favorite, frankincense has been proven to help alleviate symptoms of depression.

1. Listen to your doctor! Take medication as prescribed and attend therapy if needed. Remember, having depression or anxiety does not define who you are; rather, it is simply a part of you. It took me a long while to realize that I could integrate my mental illness into my magical workings. There is no shame in what you have and who you are. Below is a quick little ritual you can do whenever you feel like you need a little boost.
1. Listen to your doctor! Take medication as prescribed and attend therapy if needed. Remember, having depression or anxiety does not define who you are; rather, it is simply a part of you. It took me a long while to realize that I could integrate my mental illness into my magical workings. There is no shame in what you have and who you are. Below is a quick little ritual you can do whenever you feel like you need a little boost.


• Sage and/or copal
• A censer • Matches
• A feather
Light the sage (or copal) and get a good smoke going.
Take the feather (or you can use your hands!) and starting from your feet moving up, push wave the smoke away from your body (you are ridding yourself and your surroundings of negative energy, so you do not want to bring it toward you).

As you smudge, say: “All negative thoughts are banished. All unwanted vibrations are gone. Only the powers and forces I wish will be with me from this moment on.”

Mama G

Summer Solictic 1 day retreat

Summer One Day Retreat

June 22 from 8am -5pm. Lets gather on this Summer Solistice to embrace our journey. See how far we have come and where we still need to go.
Cost $175 until End of April
Join with a friend and pay only $175 for the two of you.
To Reserve your spot deposit of $75
Cost includes the day of healing, workshops, releasing. You will be fed & receive some other goodies ( reading/healing)
Place ~ TBA
EMT ~ ~


Hop in Spring Sale

No appoinment Readings

Prosperity, Love or Faith

Prosperity Reading

We all know that money isn’t everything, but financial security is important and brings us peace of mind and security. If you want to know where your finances are heading and/or if your career is in the right track then this reading is perfect for you!

Mama G will draw 5 cards from her Tarot deck and 5 from an oracle deck. You will receive a video and audio of your reading sent to you!

Reading all about prosperity, finances, and success!

The Financial Issue

External Influences

Internal Influences

What is Required

The Resolution

Cost for this Reading $25.00
Make your payments with PayPal. It is free, secure, effective.
You may pay by etransfer ~

Faith Trust, Believe & Pray Reading!

I will break these down into 4 part reading with 4 messages. Using your DOB, I look at ephermeris, and connect to your angels and guides. To give you the direction you need most right now.

Message #1
Your DOB and see where the planets where sitting on your day. How do they influenece your energies.

Message #2
I will draw a card from the Archangel decks to give you a message from the angels .

Message #3
A channeled message along with Goddess on which direction you need to begin to take on your spiritual journey.

Message #4
What crystal should you be carring. I will choose a crystal for to carry with and meditate with. I will give you the meaning of crystal and the Angel alignment.

Cost for this reading is $25 sent to you

Make your payments with PayPal. It is free, secure, effective.
You may pay by etransfer ~

Love Reading

Bringing in the emotions of joy for your reading. Stepping forward with the pure energy of love & Joy. How you can begin to create that in your life.

When we feel Joy & Gratitude, we feel great about ourselves. We feel confident, powerful, capable, lovable and fulfilled. These are all great reasons to experience more joy in our life but sometimes we get so busy we don’t notice that our lives are lacking joy and we don’t even know where to start to bring more to our lives.

In this brand new reading, Mama G will tell you where you need to bring more Love & Joy into your life (career, relationships, health, spiritually). Listen as Mama G gives you some tips on how you can achieve more joy in your life today!

Cost for this Love Reading is $25.

Make your payments with PayPal. It is free, secure, effective.
You may pay by etransfer ~

Purchase your reading
Online appointment only. The Readings are on Zoom a very easy to use app. The readings are recorded with you and live. Recording sent to your inbox once up loaded inbox.

Tarot Horoscope Reading

Recieve you own Horoscope designed with you in mind. find out the energies of the month that will give you a road map to your stars. Along with a Tarot reading for even more guidance.

Cost $30 or 6 months $150

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