

The snow has begun, winter is fully underway here in Utah, and some days are bright and chilly, while others are overcast and grey.

While our emotions, mind and body states, and opinions may change like the weather, we ultimately seek balance, "sattva", and equanimity. While it may not seem like much at the time, a regular practice of yoga can assist us in achieving this balanced state.

We may feel good or bad after one class or another. But that's not the point; that does not bring balance.

The point is the continuity of practicing with awareness. This continuity of awareness is like a string of tiny lights. One by one, they may not illuminate much, but the whole string may bring light in the deepest of darkness.

May each practice be a small light!

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to practicing with you again soon.


December Specials! Give the Gift of Yoga!

Thank you for practicing with me this year. As a gift, I'm offering several discounts during the month of December.

▪ Buy 9, get one free!
▪ Buy 20, get two free!
▪ Buy 3 privates, save $25!
▪ Buy a gift certificate, save 10%!
Buy 9, get one free!
Buy 20, get two free!
Buy 3 privates, save $25!
Buy a gift certificate, save 10%!

Details here on the website (some limitations apply).

Contact me with any questions at the "Mail Me!" link below.


"Second Sunday 2-Hour Restore" Class

▪ Sunday, Dec. 9, 4-6pm at Mindful Yoga Collective (Last class for 2018; 2019 schedule TBA)
Sunday, Dec. 9, 4-6pm at Mindful Yoga Collective (Last class for 2018; 2019 schedule TBA)

“Second Sunday 2-Hour Restore” class offers an opportunity to refresh the body and mind, and prepare for the upcoming week. By using a variety of props, poses can be held for longer periods of time, which allows the mind, body and breath to settle and the nervous system to reset, resulting in deep relaxation. This class is appropriate for all students; experience with props (blankets, bolsters, etc.) is helpful, but not required. All props supplied by the studio.

$20.00 (online payment available here).


Yoga Therapy and Private Sessions

Sometimes, we all need a little personal attention. Those questions that come up in a regular class--"Am I doing this right?"--can often be answered in a private session. Or, if you have injury or pain, a private session can help alleviate symptoms, help you move more fully, and give you confidence in your daily life.
Dana is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), and is available for one-to-one sessions at your home, her home, or in a studio, depending on the situation and your needs.
We quickly forget that we are not a merely a 'brain taxi', a body with a set of moving parts led by a computer-like brain.
Find ease and "whole-ness", reduce pain, increase confidence and capacity, deepen your practice, commitment, and connection to self.

December Special applies to private sessions: Buy 3 sessions, save $25!

For details, contact Dana at the "Mail me!" link below.


Weekly Class Schedule

"All Level Hatha Yoga" at Mindful Yoga Collective
Monday & Friday 9:15-10:45am
Wednesday 10:00-11:30am
$15/class ($12 student/senior)

NEW CLASS: "Mindful Asana" at Inbody Academy
The physical practice of yoga (hatha yoga) brings awareness to the body in order to affect the mind. In Mindful Asana class, create a quiet container for meditation by bringing the mind “on board” through the asana practice. This slow-paced one-hour class intends to settle you into stillness, into greater awareness of the body-mind connection, and into an easeful, focused, joyful way of being.
Tuesday, 6:00-7:00pm


"The brain is the hardest part of the body to adjust in asana."

--B.K.S. Iyengar

This quote reminds us that the brain is simply a part of the body. The mind is not separate from the body; the body is the mind, and mind is body.

One of my favorite sayings (among many) goes something like, "The body is the gross expression of the mind; the mind is the subtle expression of the body."

As we move, so we think. As we think, so we move. Watch yourself as you intend to do something. Without acting on the intention, as the mere thought arises, we begin to physically organize ourselves for action, for movement.

Building on this idea, every thought has the possibility to become an action, with accompanying consequences.

Taking this back to the very first limb of yoga, yama (ethical guidelines), to the very first yama, ahimsa, or non-violence, we acknowledge that the thought is the same as the action. Intent to harm is as harmful as a harmful action, because the potential exists, even if only in our mind.

It's difficult to monitor our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. Our deeds, or actions, are evident in the world. Our actions demonstrate the movements of our minds, as do our words.

Thus, our thoughts, words, and deeds create our world.

If our interactions are to be beneficial, we must first see our intent clearly. From that steady foundation, we can take effective, skillful action, and build a better world.


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