What are Essential Oils? Essential Oils are the life blood of the plant that initiates regeneration into the cells. They enhance the immune system of

How to Use

What are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are the life blood of the plant that initiates regeneration into the cells. They enhance the immune system of plants, and they work the same for humans. Anything that our blood does for us is what the essential oils do for the plant – they carry nutrients and oxygen to the different organs in our body. This is why essential oils can be so effective against many health problems. They can effectively combat the damaging effects of toxins, impurities and harmful substances in and around our body. Essential Oils will NEVER expire. Essential Oils have a unique ability to penetrate the cell wall. Essential oils are made up of very tiny molecules that have the ability in its chemical structure to penetrate the cell membrane and transport oxygen and nutrients inside the cell, thus giving more support to the immune system. Essential Oils are very powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals that our bodies are in contact with daily. Free radicals come from sources outside your body, such as tobacco smoke, toxins, or pollutants, and can damage your body's cells, proteins, and DNA by altering their chemical structure.

About Young Living Oils

Now that we have discussed what essential oils are, you might be wondering the difference between Young Living Essential Oils and the oils found in your local health food stores. What is sold there I cannot attest to and I want to make it clear that I am ONLY TALKING ABOUT Young Living Essential Oils. If an oil bottle label says “Topical”, “For External Use Only”, “Do not take internally”, or “Do not ingest” then there’s your red flag that it’s been adulterated and is not safe. Understand that if you go out to a garden and pick a peppermint leaf off of the plant, it is safe to eat. If the oil was 100% pure as it says it is, then you should be able to ingest it. Do not be fooled!

3 Ways to use Essential Oils.

1. Aromatically: ­ Fragrance is the substance of memories. Aroma inhaled causes the olfactory bulb to send messages to the limbic part of the brain, which activates memories and emotions. When inhaling, it takes 22 seconds for an oil to reach the brain. The only way to reach limbic system is through smell, which is why oils are such a great option for those for those needing emotional support and support for their nervous system.

Diffusing is another way we inhale oils (point out diffuser in room), it purifies the air, makes your home smell good without chemicals, great for respiratory support, stubborn spouses and crazy kids. Having more than one diffuser is a plus too.

2. Topically: Because of their molecular structure, essential oils are rapidly
absorbed by the skin. Sometimes when you apply an oil to the skin, it almost seems to disappear into the body. When applied topically, it takes 2­-3 minutes for an oil to reach the bloodstream, 20 minutes to affect every cell in the body, then metabolized within 2 ½ hours.

It’s not rocket science where to apply essential oils. Apply them to the area where you want to provide support. Some favorite places are wrists, behind the ears, neck, temples, stomach or especially feet. Quick absorption and the skin is tough there.

You may have heard of reflexology. You can use that same concept in applying oils to the feet.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Photosensitive oils = citrus oils. Be sure to apply where the sun doesn’t shine so you don’t get a sunburn.

Diluting: Dilute essential oils with Young Living’s V-6 Vegetable Oil complex in your palm. I suggest starting out diluting especially for those with sensitive skin and children. Do not ever use oils in the eyes or ears. Precaution: If an essential oil gets in the eye, put a dab of a fatty carrier oil like olive, jojoba, almond, sesame or grapeseed oil around the outside of the eyelid. Do NOT use water. The fatty oil will cut the essential oil and take away the burn in seconds.

3. Internally: In water/drinks, cooking/baking, in capsules, suppositories.

Be sure to use glass or stainless steel when drinking essential oils in water. Citrus oils especially can digest petrochemicals, so it’s important not to use a plastic cup.

That's it for today! Coming next time....specific uses for the Everyday Oils Kit!

Until then,

Have an oily blessed day!
Clair Boone
Creator www.oilersonamission.com
PLEASE REPLY TO mummydeals@yahoo.com

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