~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Welcome!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shalom Y'all News and Schmooze Shalom and Welcome to our weekly KHM Newsletter. We hope you find these "letter

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lightning composite

Shalom Y'all

News and Schmooze

Shalom and Welcome to our weekly KHM Newsletter. We hope you find these "letters from home" informative and encouraging as we wait for our beloved Abba to gather His children home. Until that day comes, may we grow in love for Him and each other as family in Messiah.

Blessings and hugs --
Pinchas and Yocheved




...............ROSH CHODESH SAMEACH!.................

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New Moon over Kiryat Ata, Israel


According to our brothers in Israel, the new moon of the sixth biblical month was seen in Israel as expected. So, this evening, w'day, at sundown is Rosh Chodesh. This makes yom chameshi / th'day 28AUG2014, Rosh Chodesh Day. Rosh Chodesh Sameach! The Erev Shabbat Family Dinner is on f'day 29AUG2014 at 7 pm. The theme is Italian

Since this is the month of Elul, that makes about 29 days to Yom T'ruah; 40 days to Yom Kippurim; and 45 days to Sukkot. These days are approximate due to the necessary sighting of the new moon of the 7th month, Yom T'ruah.

Here is the traditional blessing for the new month:

O YHVH our El and El of our fathers, make this coming month one of good and of blessing. Grant us long life, a life of peace, of good, of blessing, of sustenance, of vigor; a life marked by a reverence for You and a dread of sin; a life free from shame and reproach; a life of prosperity and honor; a life in which the love of the Torah and the fear of You, YHVH, animate us; a life in which our heartfelt desires are fulfilled for good. You chose Your people Israel from all nations, and gave us instructions about the new month celebrations. Deserving of praise are You YHVH, Who hallows Israel and the new month celebration. B'shem Y'shua M'shekheinu. Amein.


Dance as Worship Class -- Come Join Us SEP 3

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The next congregational Dance as Worship Class is on Yom Revii / w'day 3SEP2014 at 7 pm. Join us for worship and fellowship. Have 2 left feet? Don't worry, we'll teach them both to dance!

Don't forget the covered dish dinner at 6 PM before class. Bring something to share and come fellowship.

Due to the upcoming practices for Sukkot, every yom revi'i / w'day until Sukkot will be dance practice days, as well as this coming Shabbat after oneg. Come worship with us!


Shabbat -- Sanctified Since Creation

can we pray for you banner

Weekly Prayer Meeting

Join us on Shabbats at 2:30 pm in the children's room to pray for those we love, our leaders (both spiritual and civic) our nation, Israel and the world!

Yah is good to all who call upon Him; to all who call upon Him in Truth! Stand in the gap for those who need what only you can give them, knowing that what ever two or more agree on shall be done for us by our Father in Heaven! The persistent, fervent prayer of the righteous gains good results! Praise YHVH!

Shabbat Shalom and Gd rested

Our Wedding Ring -- The Sabbath

The Sign We are His People

Candle Lighting time this week is 19:38 in the Lake City, FL area on Erev Shabbat. If you happen to live elsewhere, click on this online Shabbat Calculator. Simply type in your zip code and the "candle lighting time" for your area will appear. Generally speaking, candle lighting time is 18 minutes before sundown.

This week's Torah Portion is Shoftim, D'varim / Deuteronomy 16:18 to 21:9

Join us in the shul, if you can, for some exciting discussions; or online if you live far away or if you're 'Shabbating' at home. Click here for Shoftim

Ministering This Week

BL: Lopez; PS: Nadya; T: Pinchas; Brit: Marta Rae

AV Desk:Simkha, Violet and Sha'ul

As always, the schedule is made of paper (alright, in this case, electrical impulses) not stone. If you cannot minister when scheduled, please let Yocheved or Pinchas know so we can make appropriate substitutions. Thank you!


Sharing Yah's Provision - Let's Do It!! Sep. 10

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KHM Feeds the Hungry

10SEP2014 is our next turn to feed the homeless and needy of Columbia County. If you like to cook, join us at 9:30 am to chop, saute and do all that fun stuff. We pack the lunch boxes at 11:15 am and we leave KHM at 11:40 for delivery downtown. While downtown, we not only pass out the food, but visit with the clients, providing social contact to many who are not always well received by society. Join in wherever you feel led.

After our 'delivery guys' return, we'll have lunch together. Great fun, food and fellowship! What's keeping you?? C'mon down!


SUKKOT Sign-up News!

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SUKKOT Sign-Up News

The ANTICIPATED dates for this year's Sukkot are: Oct. 9-17th. (Don't forget: We wait for the new moon of the 7th month to determine the actual dates which may vary by a day or two either way.) Make your plans NOW! Our theme this year is "Back to the Future" and we'll be focusing on honing skills that we may need in the future. So, besides lively praise and worship and spiritual pursuits, this year's featured topics are Permaculture and Herbal Nutrition. "Weeds" are our friends! Bring willing hands and an open heart.

Sign up for KHM Sukkot here: It will show you as having signed up for our newsletter (and indeed it does) But this is how we will communicate Sukkot news with you.


Also, our dear brother and sister, Mike and Donna Colo'n, are hosting a Sukkot gathering in north GA and are inviting all our TOBY (Torah Observant Believers in Y'shua) Family. Here is some basic info:

Elijah Clark State Park (largest state park in Georgia)
2959 McCormick Highway, Lincolnton, GA 30817

Located on the beautiful 71,000-acre Clark’s Hill (Thurmond) Lake, just a few minutes from the Central-South Carolina border, with most campsites being “lake side” For more information on this Sukkoting opportunity, please email Donna at:

in his hands 5267 AT gmail DOT com (remove spaces and insert appropriate special characters).


This Sukkot news just in ....

HaBiet Messianic Congregation in Palatka, FL is hosting the Feast of Tabernacles at Lake Swan Camp, Melrose, FL. Various speakers centering on the theme of "Taking every thought Captive and bringing it to the obedience of Messiah". The special guest speaker Miguel Demelli from "Be in Health" will be there as well as various praise and worship teams. Go to www.fallfeast.com for more information.

No matter where you choose to go, Celebrate Yah's Feast!


2DEC2014 MIDWEEK MIDRASH: Isaiah 21 & 22


Isaiah Study

Studying the Book of Isaiah is our current Midweek Midrash project.


We usually meet every two weeks on t'days at 1 pm at KHM's Dining Room. Next Isaiah Study is 2DEC2014. Building layer upon layer, we'll cover all the aspects of this historical / prophetic book. More food for the hungry soul!

The Roots That Reach Deep website and blog has been published and is frequently updated.

Explore Roots That Reach Deep


Meditating on the Word of YHVH

Kotel w Hyssop

The Kotel / Wailing Wall / Western Wall - foliage growing from wall is hyssop

Meditating on the Word of YHVH

with Marta Rae

1 Kings 5:13

God gave Solomon exceptional wisdom and understanding....
He could discuss trees, from the cedar in the L’vanon to the hyssop
growing out of the wall; he could discuss wild animals, poultry, reptiles and fish.

Shabbat Shalom!


KHM / Israelite Social Connections:



Make our online calendar your home page! Keep in touch with all the latest KHM events.


Make goodsearch your home page and sign in when you start up your online session. More about goodsearch below.

Social Media Connections

Look for KHM on Twitter. LIKE us on Facebook. Check out all our videos on Vimeo.


Gathering the House of Israel together

KHM Growth Project Logo

As many of you know, we've been given the vision of a Messianic Conference Center in order to have a centralized location for ministering to the scattered remnant of Israel. Here is an ongoing option that takes no funds out of your pocket, and helps KHM accomplish the tasks ahead. Just choose GoodSearch to do your online searches and GoodShop before you go on to Amazon or hundreds of others. Just make sure you enter Kol haMashiach Messianic Congregation in Lake City, FL as the one you're GoodSearching / GoodShopping for.

100% of the donation amount will go to KHM at no cost to you!

At this writing, there is over $119 in our account for the first 35 weeks of 2014. That's over $2 since last week! KEEP PLUGGING AWAY, GoodSearchers and Good Shoppers!! YOU are making a difference!

LET'S SEE IF WE CAN DO A DOLLAR A DAY... OR MORE! If every one of our 500 'clickers' did a single search a day, that would be over $5 per day and almost $1500 per year! It's do-able folks! Keep on clicking! And don't forget to sign into GoodSearch each time you start your computer. Those searches add up quickly!

If you would like to donate to Kol HaMashiach Congregation via PayPal , this link will get you there.


For Equipping the Body of Messiah



Check out our Kosher grocery items like Geffen Kosher Gelatine Desserts and Kosher Marshmallows. We also have home-made detergents and soaps and more.

New ISR Scriptures are in, as are more CJBs and travel size Chumashim (first 5 books with rabbinic commentary.) New books in stock: They Loved the Torah; Peace for Peace; God, Israel and Shiloh; and Israel 101

Mishkanim's newest CD, Redemption in the shop NOW!

New Music just in from Brenda Wheeler too!

Lenny & Varda's latest CD Israel Arise now available as is Zachary Bruno's instrumental piano CD, Carlos Perdomo's CD, Desert of My Days, and the Shiloh Boys Choir "Shabbat"

And, don't forget, we have probably the Largest Selection of "rescued" linen clothing around!

Come in and take a look! And don't forget, no shopping on Shabbat!

no shopping

A Gentle Reminder: No Shopping on Shabbat!


Y'shua said: Whatever You Do For The Least of My Brethren, You Do For Me


Chaya's Cupboard

In Leviticus / Vayikra 23:22, we are told to leave the corners of our fields for others to come and glean. If you are in need of food, Chaya's Cupboard contains oatmeal, cereal, fruit juices, canned vegetables and fruits, pastas and sauce, rice, beans, milk, condiments and many other things. Just grab a tote bag and get what you need. Gift cards to KC's Produce, Publix and Walmart also available. See Yocheved for the gift cards.

Thank you to those who have been filling up the Cupboard with your surplus. We praise Yah for YOU!!


Pray for the Shalom of Yerushalayim

terror orgs around Israel

Sha'alu Shalom Yerusalayim / Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Prayer for the State of Israel

From Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, the Shabbat and Festival siddur of the Reconstructionist Movement

Rock and champion of Israel, please bless the state of Israel, first fruit of the flourishing of the fruit of our redemption. Guard it in the abundance of your love. Spread over it the shelter of your peace. Send forth your light and truth to those who lead and judge it, and to those who hold elective office. Establish in them, through your presence, wise counsel, that they might walk in the way of justice, freedom and integrity. Strengthen the hands of those who guard our holy land.

Let them inherit salvation and life. And give peace to the land, and perpetual joy to its inhabitants. Appoint for a blessing all our kindred of the house of Israel in all the lands of their dispersion. Plant in their hearts a love of Zion. And for all our people everywhere, may God be with them, and may they have the opportunity to go up to the land. Cause your spirit's influence to emanate upon all dwellers of our holy land. Remove from their midst hatred and enmity, jealousy and wickedness.

Plant in their hearts love and kinship, peace and friendship. And soon fulfill the vision of your prophet Nathan: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Let them no longer learn ways of war ... [b'shem Y'shua ...]

And let us say: Amen.

Aaronic Blessing blue Star
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