Celebrating the BIG 7-0 on the inside! Dear Friend, Don Siegelman will be 70 on February 24, 2016. Spending this significant year in prison, when a


Celebrating the BIG 7-0 on the inside!

Blue candles on birthday cake

image from the collection at Wikimedia Commons

Dear Friend,

Don Siegelman will be 70 on February 24, 2016.

Spending this significant year in prison, when all indicators pointed to a career in national politics; when over 100 Attorneys General claim that his trial was a travesty of justice; when legal experts point out that the "crime" of which he was convicted was never a crime until his conviction made it a precedent - all these facts point to a real downer of a birthday for the former Governor Don Siegelman.

But if you know Don, he is finding ways to help fellow prisoners, making his voice heard on issues of prison reform and continuing to have high spirits (even after months in solitary confinement.)

Let him know that you are thinking of him on this important day!!
Reach out to him at Oakdale Federal Prison!

Remember when 8 years ago, 60 Minutes ran a special on Don's prosecution on his birthday? Now that was a birthday present! It is available to watch below.


Send him a CARD!


(For sending cards, postcards & mail to Don at Oakdale)

FPC Oakdale
Siegelman, Don
PO Box 5010
Oakdale, LA 71463


Give him a GIFT!

Go to the Prison Communications Website, BOP Community Ties, to learn how.

Remember to include his full prison name: Siegelman, Don
Remember to include his registered number #24775-001


The struggle for freedom and justice continues –
Thank you so much for all each of you have done for me!



Don E. Siegelman is the former Governor of Alabama, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. He is currently a guest of the Federal Bureau of Prison until late 2017.

The new website is under construction. Visit it here.
Please like and follow me on facebook.com/FreeDon Siegelman
Twitter: @DonSiegelman



Wonder What All the Fuss is About??

Eight years ago, CBS 60 Minutes broadcast a special on the Don Siegelman prosecution on his birthday - February 24, 2008 - when he watched it from Oakdale prison.
You may watch it here.

Part One

Part Two
