
Entomology Field Seminars - Eagle Hill Institute

Located on the coast of Maine between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. Taught by top experts from the United States and Canada

Bushman - Native bee garden
Catley Eagle Hill spider 1
Dennehy Moth 1
2020 Title Instructor(s)

Underlined titles are linked to flyers. Other flyers are pending, and will be available on our calendar webpage shortly. For notes (*1) or (*2), see Link.

Jun 28 - Jul 4 Native Bees: Biology, Ecology, Identification and Conservation Sara Bushmann and Kalyn Bickerman-Martens
Jul 5 - 11 Tracks and Signs of Insects and Other Invertebrates Charley Eiseman
Jul 26 - Aug 1 Moths and Butterflies: Identification, Specimen Preparation, and Taxonomy Paul Dennehy
Aug 9 - 15 Spider Ecology, Identification, Biology, and Photography (*1) Kefyn Catley
Aug 23 - 29 Trichoptera of Eastern North America: Morphology, Molecular Systematics, Ecology, and New Research Directions (*2) John Morse and Paul Frandsen
Morse arctopsyche
Eiseman - IMG 1219
Dennehy Moth 2

In support of field biologists, researchers, field naturalists, faculty members, and students, and artists with interests in the natural history sciences, Eagle Hill has long been recognized as offering hard-to-find seminars which provide important opportunities for training and meeting others who are dedicated to continually learning more about natural history. These seminars are of special interest because they focus on the natural history of one of North America's most spectacular and pristine natural areas, the coast of eastern Maine ... from Acadia National Park to Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge and beyond.


Northeast Natural History Conference
April 17-19, 2020 in Stamford, CT

Northeastern Naturalist - A peer-reviewed scientific journal

office@eaglehill.us, Phone: 207-546-2821 ext.1, Fax: 207-546-3042

Eagle Hill Institute
PO Box 9, 59 Eagle Hill Road, Steuben, ME 04680-0009, United States

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