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Invest in your mind, body and soul through 13 top experts (local and regional) at our upcoming regional women's health and wellness journey of healing and self-dicovery in Aqaba. Brought to you by Family Flavours and Nakahat 'Ailiyeh magazines and One With Nature Center


Our Experts

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Regional & Local Participants From Six Countries


Our Partners

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Investing in Your Inner Calm

The Mind & Body Connection (Mental Health) - Women’s Wellness
Hormonal Yoga Therapy - Meditation

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Investing in Your Health

Self-Defence - Healthy Cooking - Wellness Talks

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Investing in Your Welbeing

Art Therapy - Swimming - Sunset Yoga - Loop Yarn Meditation - Book Reading Magical Moments in Petra - Authentic ‘Aqabawi Experiences

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For the Chance to Relax & Restore

Sign Up to Our EXCLUSIVE Packages

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Accommodation: Full Board, Five-Star Hotel

Transportation: JETT Buses with Meals


A percentage of registration fees, from this initiative by the organisers, will go in aid of humanitarian efforts in Gaza through the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO).

Special thanks to Nuqul Group for supporting this initiative

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