Part 4: Project Management Dear Dear MeetingKing User, This is the fourth message in a series of emails with tips on how to have more effective meet


Part 4: Project Management


Dear Dear MeetingKing User,

This is the fourth message in a series of emails with tips on how to have more effective meetings and how MeetingKing can help you accomplish more. You can unsubscribe at any time.

In the previous emails I focused on preparing meetings, taking notes, making decisions and creating tasks. In this message I will explain how MeetingKing can help you beyond the meeting to manage your project, department or organization.

MeetingKing is much more than just a documentation tool, it helps you to be in control. Sign in now.

Managing projects and departments with MeetingKing

To effectively manage your company, a department or a project you need to be able to quickly see what is going on, what needs to be done and if you are on target.

Numerous project management tools are available, but they all have one big flaw, they help you manage just one project at the time. Often when you have a meeting, especially if you are in general management, you discuss issues related to different projects or departments. Switching back and forth between projects is cumbersome and in some cases there are action items that do not fit into a specific bigger project, or there maybe action items that affect both a certain project and a department.

MeetingKing makes it easy to filter all tasks related to a certain project or department. This is how it works.


Navigate to My Dashboard > All Tasks. There you see a filter. The most important one is the “Project/Tag”. You simply type (using auto complete) the project or tag you want to get a report for and you get all the related tasks. The nice thing is that these tasks can be from different meetings or calls or can even be stand-alone tasks.

For example if you have a meeting with Wilma about marketing issues, you simply select all marketing tasks that Wilma has to do. It does not matter if you have a 1000 or more tasks in your system, you can quickly and easily find the ones you are looking for.

In one quick glance you can see what is completed, what needs to be done, what is beyond schedule. Any comments and updates are listed right under the task. Sign in now.

Get a quick overview during the meeting


In addition to this task overview in your dashboard you can also easily find out what is going on during a meeting. On the right of the agenda and note taking area of the Topics page, you can quickly find related tasks by project, tag or person.

Here is an example of a management meeting that touches various departments. As you can see I am now discussing the marketing activities, and on the right in the “Related Tasks” area I can see everything that needs to be done related to marketing. By adding additional tags (e.g. customer XYZ) or by filtering it by person I can narrow it down even further.


But I hate adding tags!

Don’t worry, so do we and that is why we made it easy. You can add a tag at the meeting level and at topic level. All tasks that are created during a meeting will get the meeting tag(s) and similarly any tag(s) that you added at the topic level. So no need to add a tag to each task. In the example above the meeting tag is management and the topic tag is marketing.

It gets even better; when you create a follow-up meeting (e.g. in the case of a weekly management meeting) you don’t even have to enter the meeting tag again, it will copy that automatically from the previous meeting. And if you use a template for your agenda you can also include tags there.

MeetingKing helps you to be in control during and after your meetings. Sign in now.

Questions or suggestions?

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us or call +1 860 255 8430.

We are committed to helping you achieve better meetings and manage your business or organization in the most efficient way to get things done.

Kind regards,

Edwin Siebesma
Founder, MeetingKing

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