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Fresh breezes, budding plants, and new features are starting the season of Spring. With April showers on the horizon, we want to make sure you’re up to date with your coaching and professional development platform.


Feature Updates

We are excited to announce the updated version (1.2.1) of our T Uploader app for iOS. This version contains a fix for an issue where the upload queue could sometimes get stuck after a video upload failure. People who have had videos get stuck should upgrade to the new version and restart the upload from the beginning so the video can upload successfully. Then, moving forward with the new version of the app, a person whose video fails to upload can force quit T Uploader, then restart when they're connected to a sufficient wi-fi network, and restart the upload
So, at your earliest opportunity, please update your T Uploader app and make sure you are using version 1.2.1.

Did you know that you can give feedback on a lesson plan in TORSH Talent? Document Annotation allows you to make comments to any portion of a document that has been uploaded to your account. You can then share your comments with others, who can reply with feedback, insights, and coaching. Now, you can also change the zoom level of your document, and still make comments. This slight change has made it easier to comment when using devices with smaller screens, and on documents that are in the landscape orientation.

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We want to hear from YOU!

Changes are coming to TORSH Talent, and we are looking for your feedback on how you use Torsh Talent for observations and goal-setting. The feedback that you provide will enhance the value that Talent can bring to your reflection and coaching processes, and will be used in improving core features of the platform. Click here if you want to share your thoughts.


We appreciate our clients’ feedback because we're striving to create tools that make it easier for educators to capture, reflect upon, and better their practice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out about the things you love, dislike, or just want to learn more about. And we will continue to provide innovative solutions that support great teaching.

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