
"But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time"


Kingston Transition meets Thursday March 11th at 9am

Please join us on Thursday March 11th at 9am for our monthly meeting on zoom. Last month it was good to see some new faces, please tell your friends and colleagues all are welcome. Bring your ideas, tell us about your projects or just sit and listen.
A full summary of last month's meeting is available on our website. In future you will be able to view the meetings on YouTube or through our website or Facebook page.
To register for the upcoming meeting click here


So Many Transitions

Reaction to major global changes have created many initiatives that include the term “Transition”. Below are three (including our own Transition Town movement) that may be of interest.

The Transition Town movement is a worldwide movement of local communities: a street, a neighborhood, a village, a town, addressing global challenges at the local level. Every Transition Town entity is independent and is based on the creative thinking and community energy. Kingston Transition has become a forum where local individuals, organizations and activists already involved in Transition related activities can share information, find synergies, learn, collaborate and pass on information to their constituencies.

Just Transition has its roots in the labor movement but has become a framework for a fair shift to an economy that is ecologically sustainable, equitable and just for all its members. It is based on the belief that change is inevitable but justice requires conscious work. The Good Work Institute based in Kingston acts as a catalyst for a Just Transition movement in the Hudson Valley, by cultivating, connecting, supporting, and illuminating the work of people who are fostering resilience and regeneration. More information and opportunities for programs and events related to Just Transition can be found on their website

Great Transitions is a movement that looks to redirect the global trajectory towards a socially equitable, culturally enriched, and ecologically resilient civilization. Currently multiple threads of interdependence, including economic globalization, communications technology, climate change and the global pandemic are binding people, places, and the community of life into a single social-ecological system. But a continuing and even increasing state-centric geopolitical order undercuts this global community, as does the demand for profits over needs and economic growth over ecological resilience. The voices behind the Great Transitions movement say we need a massive and coherent global citizens movement to achieve systemic change. By forging a globalized community with shared risks and opportunities, we can make broad cultural and political change possible. More information at https://greattransition.org/


A Spoken Memorial to a Beloved Friend

Good Work Institute and Radio Kingston hosted a one hour memorial to John Wackman, with tributes and stories from friends who knew him through his many interests. You can listen by clicking here Thank you to all. John's dream of a Resource Recovery Park lives on, watch this space!

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