
December 17, 2020

Happy Holidays!

This year is going to be very different for many of us. First, our celebrations and festivities will be different. The flyer on the side is an example of a concert I will be watching from my living room, this Saturday night. It is going to be great and I hope you all join us. It is free, but of course, donations are welcome, if you are so moved. If not, just sit back and enjoy the show. You will see me at some point, sharing beautiful words from Mary Kupferle.

Another way this year is going to be different is, I am not spending Christmas Eve with my family. This is the first time in 61 years (my whole life!) Not only that, but I am cooking some of our traditional foods that night - an adventure for sure! Due to Covid-19 and social distancing, I am going to be able to watch my church's Christmas Eve Vigil service on line, I am soooo excited about this too! Yes, there are downsides to this crazy pandemic, but there are also some good things that have come out of it. Remember, what ever you look for, you are going to find. Look for the joy my friends, look for the joy.

This month the song I am including is titled, "I Won't be Seeing You This Christmas" written and sung by, non-other than, the fabulous David Friedman. He wrote it special for this year and I had to share it with each of you. Take a moment to listen and maybe share it with all the people that mean the world to you.

To listen Click here

For more of David's music or any of his books, you can email him directly at: DavidFriedmancomposer@gmail.com.

Offerings for Awareness & Transformation



You can purchase my book on my website, www.totalbalancelifechoice.com
or on
Amazon Books click here.

Limited time specials

Over the next few months, for anyone who buys a book, as well as all the prelaunch book owners, I am offering two, one-on-one 30-minute sessions, for the price of one. This will give you a great experience of using the book in the best way for you. I will work with you to see how you can change the way you look at things, so the things you look at change and so will your life!

Life of Your Dreams Community

Are you living the life of your dreams? If not, try having a From Stressed to Blessed TEAM Party! These are virtual Zoom get togethers with your personally chosen friends to help you all change your lives! We will come together and use the book as a guide to both go from stressed to blessed and ultimately create amazing lives. I call them 'TEAM' parties because Together Everyone Achieves More! Please email me at TC@Totalbalancelifechoice.com for more information about TEAM sessions.

Virtual Services

Many companies are still not back to the office so On-Site Chair Massage is not the solution for stress reduction these days. Since so many employees are not going back to the office yet, we have found another way to serve many of our clients.

According to Brene Brown, human emotions researcher, professor and author, there are two irreducible things people get out of going to work, connection and a sense of belonging. Our virtual services address these plus stress reduction and self-care.

TLC has created virtual sessions of Self-care and Resilience AND chair massage for couples or housemates. The intention of these virtual sessions is to help participants get relief from the stresses of sitting at computers and other devices for hours at a time. Also, it creates a sense of connection when many people from the office are together in a virtual session.

Virtual Massage Sessions: $16 for Individuals and $60 for Partners/Couples.

Virtual Massage Sessions: $16 for Individuals and $60 for Partners/Couples.
Virtual Spiritual Enrichment - From Stressed to Blessed: $60 for 30-minutes and $90 for 60-minutes

You can sign-up for these services on our website. I will send you the Zoom link once I receive your payment.

To register and pay for a session please Click Here.

Sunday Talks

This month I will not be giving the talk at Unity Center of Norwalk. But join in anyway, Rev. Shawn and Kenneth provide and amazing inspirational service. I will be watching. Click here to join me.

Sunday, December 20, @10:30am - the talk is titled:

Love, Hope, Peace and Joy Abide in Me

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