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Hi, Everyone!

Frankie and Marley treats

August - the Last Breath of Summer

I love summer, but then I love spring and fall too. I even like winter. Some of the time. I enjoy the changing seasons, but lately they seem to change so fast.

Here on the farm, I have no trouble feeling the change of the seasons while I'm out walking my dogs. I'm not sure they are all that fond of summer when it's hot like it is this week. I think dogs get spoiled to air conditioning even faster than people, but then Frankie does have that black furry coat and Marley is showing his age at 12. But the boys are always ready for the treats I give them whenever we get to a gate. My hope is that will keep Frankie with me. Doesn't always work with him, the rascal, but Marley loves his treats and never strays too far from me.

Book News #1

An Appalachian Summer Interviews and Reviews
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I love it when one of my books is on special sale. Right now until the end of August (which isn't long!), An Appalachian Summer is available as an ebook for $2.99 or less, according to where you book shop on the internet. So if you read electronically, you can get this Frontier Nursing Service story for less than some ice cream cones. Hmm, summer is a great time for ice cream cones. My favorite is strawberry. What's yours?

It's also a great time for settling down in a cool spot and eat that ice cream while being absorbed in a good book. You can head to the Kentucky Appalachian Mountains and share Piper's adventures as a Frontier Nursing courier/volunteer. One reason I wrote this story after I'd already explored the Frontier Nursing Service history in my book, These Healing Hills, was because I wanted to share more about the founder, Mary Breckinridge, and how through sheer force of personality and desire she brought better health to the mothers and children in that area.

Along with the history though, you can find romance, friendships, adventure, feel how the stars seem almost close enough to touch and hear the night birds as you ride the hilly trails with Piper as she faces unexpected challenges.

But the sale will end soon. So, check it out now. You can find buy links on my book pages on my website. Always be sure to double check before you click buy to make sure you are getting the price you expected.

Book News #2

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I just signed a new contract with Revell for two more books. I'm so excited to be able to share more stories with readers. So now I need to get to know my characters better, research the background history for the book, and start listening to those voices in my head that will pull me down some new story roads.

A Newsletter Means a New Giveaway

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If you've been getting my newsletters, you know I always include a giveaway chance. Books are the prizes I have the most fun giving away, but I like to throw in something a little extra too. This time the 1st place winner will get a tote bag monogrammed with their own initial along with a choice of one of my autographed books. Two more winners will receive an autographed copy of their choice of one of my books. Winners will be chosen by random drawing. The 1st place winner is USA only due to the cost of postage but 2nd place winners can be international.

To enter you can respond to this newsletter or contact me from my website Contact Page. For some extra fun check out the Parting Shots below and see what you might add about how you might be a country girl (or guy) if... That's not necessary to enter. An email is all it takes for me to throw your name in my giveaway drawing hat, but you might enjoy sharing some country smiles. If you do decide to do so, remember to let me know if what you write is for my eyes only because I sometimes share forward the gems you send me on my blog, One Writer's Journal.

I'd also love it if you want to join the conversation on my Facebook author page or Instagram or follow me on BookBub. But again, that isn't necessary to enter the giveaway. The email is all that's needed except for being at least 18 years old to enter. Deadline for entry is midnight EST, September 12, 2023. Winners will be notified by email and announced on my blog either on the 13th or the 17th.

Parting Shots

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I'm a country girl. Grew up on a farm and still live on a farm. A few years ago I shared a Facebook pass-around about what might prove you were a country girl. Some of you readers added your own thoughts. I hope they make you smile and maybe remember.

You might be a country girl…
…if you ever wore muck boots with your pajamas. - Amanda
…if you ate more blueberries than you put in your picking bucket. - Inge.
…if you put a fan in the window to stay cool at night. – Brenda
…if you are a coal miner’s daughter. –Deborah
…if you learned to drive on an old dirt road. – Mallori
…if you had to pick beans in the morning and then sit for the rest of the day snapping them for canning. –Marilyn
… if you spent summer evenings on your porch swing watching the lightning bugs rise up into the air. – Pat
…if you’ve ever fallen asleep outside watching for shooting stars. – Robin
… if your dog takes a bath in a cow water trough on a hot summer day (much to the cow-owning neighbor's chagrin!). – Erin
…if you ever caught crawdads in a creek. – Laura
…if you were ever chased in your yard by a rooster. – Laura
…if you ever picked daisies in the field and put them in a quart jar on the kitchen table. - Lucretia
… if you followed along after your grandpa’s plow to get worms for your next trip to the pond. – Margaret
…if you’ve ever been lulled to sleep by rain on a tin roof. - Deb
…if you ever swung on a grapevine.
…if you ever skipped a rock across a pond.
...if you ever fell in the creek "accidentally on purpose." - My granddaughter

So what would you add?

Frankie and me

Thanks for Reading

I appreciate you stopping by to catch up on my news and maybe find a smile or two.

Some of you may be new subscribers. If so, I hope you like being one of my newsletter friends. Thank you for being here.

Until next time, Frankie and I want you to keep smiling. That way, as someone once said, everyone will wonder what you've been up to. With Frankie, you never know. He'll find something to get into for sure.


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