Lots of people are asking me how and what Colloidal Silver kills? First, there are only 4 ways to corrupt a "single cell organism" Virus, Fungus, Bac


Lots of people are asking me how and what Colloidal Silver kills?

First, there are only 4 ways to corrupt a "single cell organism" Virus, Fungus, Bacteria, Parasite, lets call it "The Big 4".

How does it work? Simple, by reading the cells "electrical signature".Because a "healthy cell" gives off a "positive" electrical signature. Subsequently, an "unhealthy cell" gives off a "negative" electrical signature. So a "healthy" single cell, once corrupted by any one of "the big 4", immediately becomes "unhealthy" and thus negative... electrically speaking of course.

Now, a silver ion is "positively" charged through the electrolysis process.

Once ingested, the "positively charged" silver ion goes on the hunt for negatively charged (unhealthy) cells, and when it gets close enough to a negatively charged cell, it grabs a hold of it just like a magnet ...and causes death in just a matter of a few minutes. There is no place to escape, it's only a matter of time before all the bad guys get caught and killed.

So the silver determines who gets to live and who gets to die based off the "electrical constituency" of the corrupted cell. This is how silver determines what to kill... and what to leave alone. This is why Colloidal Silver has a 100% positive kill ratio on any and all of the big 4.

it matters not the nature of the affliction... be it Ebola, Cancer, Aids, HIV, Staph, Strep, STD's, Lyme's, whatever… everything is derived from the "Big 4".

So it only matters if the cell is healthy or unhealthy. Consequently, Colloidal Silver the #1 thing that satisfies all of these terms... It's cheap, fast, discernible and effective.

I hope this makes sense thanks for asking, please pass it on.

Right now take advantage of the best price on silver water (with frequency) for as little as $1 an oz... Compare at 80-90% less than Whole Foods, GNC, etc.

So to answer the comparison between Colloidal Silver and everything else I ask... "what else is there."

Get Colloidal Silver Now

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