_Ed. Notes- Over 25 years ago, Jane and I joined WhyHunger (WHY) and the very first person we met when visiting their offices was Noreen Springstead.


Noreen Springstead

_Ed. Notes- Over 25 years ago, Jane and I joined WhyHunger (WHY) and the very first person we met when visiting their offices was Noreen Springstead. She was the receptionist and even then we realized that this was a "special person." We never imagined that when Bill Ayres, Executive Director and co-founder, retired that the torch would be passed to Noreen. This year marked her first year as Executive Director. We (along with others) received the following message from her. This organization along with the other members of our Alliance is worthy of your consideration at this time of the year. _

Starting with our next issue of the Clearing House, KIDS will make our case for your support.

Noreen's Note:

Every year, 48 million Americans scrape the sides of the peanut butter jar to make one more sandwich for their kids and stretch their paychecks a little further by waiting in long lines at the local food pantry. Each day, seniors, veterans and working people stare into empty refrigerators and dwindling bank accounts and wonder how many meals they'll skip to feed their children, how often they'll choose between food and medicine and how many times they'll forgo a lavish Thanksgiving meal so they can make rent in December. As our nation collectively prepares to enjoy the biggest meal of the year, there is heightened awareness about those who do not have enough to eat.

For thirty years, WhyHunger has taken to the airwaves during the holiday season to educate our country about hunger. Three decades of national radio broadcasts, exciting events, premier auctions and support from people like you has made Hungerthon a Thanksgiving tradition and raised millions to end hunger in America. Will you join us again this year? Now into my twenty-fourth Hungerthon, I am more convinced than ever that WhyHunger is playing an integral role in solving the problems of hunger and poverty.

As we look to the future, we know that the journey is long and hard and we cannot do it alone. We need the leadership of people most affected by hunger and poverty, frontline grassroots partners who can inform and inspire this burgeoning movement, and especially at this time of year, we need you.

Join us on our mission to end hunger and increase access to nutritious food by making a donation to Hungerthon. This year, your donation comes with unique and meaningful holiday gifts for your family and friends like a John Lennon "Imagine" t-shirt or infinity scarf, a Bruce Springsteen "Born to Run" Anniversary poster, or a 2015 Hungerthon t-shirt commemorating thirty years. Donate today or bid onexciting celebrity auction itemsand help us make the 30th Hungerthon the most impactful yet.

Thank you for your support.

~ Noreen

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