Welcome! * * * This November issue of "The Instructor" highlights our new "READ, REVIEW & REFUND program which rewards you just for reading. See our



This November issue of "The Instructor" highlights our new "READ, REVIEW & REFUND program which rewards you just for reading. See our website @ #nescoed,comfor complete details and access to all N.E.S.C.O. services.

"EdXchange", the NESCO education blog provides interesting commentary with an opportunity to meet and connect with other educators. Don't forget to join us on Tweeter, Facebook,and Pinterest @#nesco and checkout our new presence on Linkedin also @#nesco.

In This Issue

Point of View
"Time to Speak Up"
(A commentary on the plight of the illegal immigrant children)


New to NESCO
Pinterest QuickPixs

Featured Publication
"Teaching Today"

NESCO's EdForums for Professional Development

NESCO Products and Services

Resources and Reviews


Point Of View

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Changing Demographics

Our nation is changing, and nowhere is that change more evident than in the classrooms of our public schools. There is a rapid growth in the number of diverse students filling America's classrooms. More and more of our students have been born in other nations. They are a mix of different races. They speak different languages and have different cultural traditions. Schools that have been predominately white are quickly becoming ethnically mixed. It is commonplace for school districts to count languages spoken by their students by the dozen. This portrait of America's students stands in sharp contrast to the majority of our current teaching staff which is mostly white, middle class and english speaking.
Although trends in immigration and birth rates predict no single racial or ethnic group will make a majority of the population in the very near future. The Hispanic population is growing faster than all the other racial and ethnic groups combined. More than half the children in seven states are minorities. In an additional nineteen (19) states minorities represent one-fourth the student population. Currently (2014) approximately 40 percent of the people under the age of 18 are African, Asian or Hispanic.
Minority populations, especially Hispanics, are growing quicker than the population as a whole. Since the year 2000, the Hispanic population has grown in every state in the Union. More than half of the foreign born children in the United States are Hispanic and speak Spanish as their native language. They represent the youngest population with more than one-third of all Hispanics younger than eighteen.
Elementary and secondary students today are more diverse than ever before in the history of American public education. It is the public schools and their teachers that bear the main responsibility for addressing the needs of this changing student population. As educators we need to develop new competencies to successfully teach changing populations from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Addressing the changing cultural face of today's students requires a new approach to teaching. We can begin by examining the following questions:
- Do you hold a positive view of diversity?
- Are you very familiar with the cultures of the students in your classroom?
- Can you understand and speak their native language?
- Are you part of a team formed to explore methods to better meet the social and educational needs of a diverse student population?
- Have you ameneded your curriculum to represent culturally diverse contributions?
- Is there a focus on English development?
- Is classroom seating racially and ethnically balanced?
- Do you apply the principals of "Constructivist Learning Theory" in your instruction?
- Is the teaching staff supported with job related professional development?

"Read, Review & Reward"

NESCO announces a new program that rewards you for reading!

Earn a 40% refund when you purchase any NESCO publication such as the from nescoed.com. Choose from award winning and popular titles such as “Teaching Today”, “Music Education in Crisis” “Recruitment and Retention” “Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers”, “The Complete Band/Orchestra Directors Information Kit” and others!

Just post your review on the Amazon.com bookstore or the Barnes & Noble online bookstore and notify us at nesco@optonline.net We will refund you (40%) on the cost of the book, sign you up to receive “The Instructor” our free award-winning NESCO e-newsetter! Plus we will send you a coupon for a 15% discount your next NESCO product or service purchase.

Pinterest QuickPicks

Coming Soon! New NESCO QuickPicks!
Simple ready to use teaching aides, such as lesson plans, assessment forms, do-now's, reflection forms, portfolio markers, time-lines, reinforcement activities, listening charts etc.
All easy to use, ready to instantly implement. Immediately available via pdf or hard copy by mail and all QuickPicks are under $10.

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Today a successful career in education requires new and special skills, knowledge and experience.Teacher candidates have to be better prepared than ever before. They must possess very specific attributes and be competent and comfortable conveying these qualities. The National Education Service Company's newest publication "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" examines the factors that have changed the face of education and the skills and knowledge teacher candidates must possess to secure and succeed as teachers

NESCO's new Education Employment Forums are designed to assist teacher candidates seeking new positions by providing participants with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to truly become the Candidate of Choice.
Seeking a new teaching position can be overwhelming and interviewing can be nerve raking. NESCO's Education Employment Forums will show you how to properly present yourself in a manner that will open doors and attract school district supervisors seeking qualified candidates.

N.E.S.C.O. Products

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Basic Elements Vocal

"Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers" contains great song based on solid vocal pedagogy to develop advanced singing techniques. Filled with sound advise, "Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers" will help music teachers be successful teaching upper elementary and middle school singers.

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Teaching Today
by J.T.Pergola & G.Ober
$19.95 Softcover //Kindle $9.95

The National Education Service Company's newest publication, "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" examines the factors that have changed the face of education and the skills and knowledge teacher candidates must possess to secure and succeed as teachers.
@ nescoed.com

Thinking About Schools
["An era of NCLB/RTTT & Testing"]
by Blogger JHSTL (Superintendent of Schools Bedford Central S.D.)

[Collaborize Classroom]
Great website-supports in-class (fliperentiation) and flipped classroom instruction.

Doceri (free) Website iTunes
Create. Share. Present. Control.
Turn your Doceri lessons into a flip classroom, video screencast to share a multipage PDF or email a screenshot to send the whiteboard home with your students.

A Vision of K-12 Look at Learning Today
This project was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills.

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