Join us for JC FRIDAYS September 5th at the new Shuster Art House building 148 First St Jersey City (east of Marin Blvd.) for the inaugural opening


Join us for JC FRIDAYS September 5th

at the new Shuster Art House building
148 First St Jersey City (east of Marin Blvd.)
for the inaugural opening Reception Friday 5-8pm

12 Floors of Jersey City Artists
VICTORY ARTS PROJECTS has been producing art in public spaces since 2007.
Curator, Jim Pustorino is working with Shuster Management to create gallery spaces in their building where the public can view and purchase the works of Jersey City Artists!


This exhibition brings together works from a dozen artists who are active in the Jersey City area. Some
have invested many years in the arts here. Others have arrived more recently, but bring with them a reputation and talent, and in return receive the support and welcome of their peers. The emphasis for this show is on painting, both realism and painterly abstraction.
We welcome you to tour the floors of the Art House and surround y yourself with the experience of
art that has a place and purpose here in Jersey City.

This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, administered by the Hudson County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, Thomas A. DeGise, County Executive, and the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
