
Welcome to Issue 6 of the Hawaii Slack newsletter, commemorating the second annual National Fried Rice Day! Here's what's been going on with our Hawaii Slack ʻohana!


Open positions shared in the last month include:
* Sr. Digital Communications & Social Media Consultant at Hawaiian Electric
* Director of Communications at Bishop Museum
* Technical & Customer Support at Hawaii Information Service
* Graphic Designer and Front Desk Receptionist via Adecco/CAFADA
* Director of Tehnology Infrastructure at University of Hawaii
* Full Stack Developer at Kumu
Are you hiring? Be sure to let everyone know!


The Hawaii Slack events calendar featured:
* HacktheWave Hackathon on Sept. 20
* TechForce Hawaii on Sept. 26
* Pearlridge Pop Culture Expo on Sept. 28
Got something great planned? Do tell!


Robert showed off a microblogging platform that he built that generates full page responsive designed tweets from text input. Joe told us about Glide, which turns Google spreadsheets into beautiful, easy-to-use apps... like his Kuka Now video testimony app prototype. Are you building something cool, or using an awesome tool? Tell us about it!


Don't worry, we've stopped obsessing about TikTok. This past month we talked about Reddit, from why you'd visit in the first place to which mobile client works best. Also, the masses continue to leave Facebook,

who else has joined the party?

Since our August update, our hui has grown to 215 members. Again, we can't list everyone, but the latest members include Tod Tomasa, Michael Rogers, Mel (Macpro), Jason Favrod, and James Pratt!

If you can think of someone who would make a good addition to the 'ohana, feel free to send them to HawaiiSlack.com or just forward this email and encourage them to email me at ryanozawa@gmail.com.

share hawaii slack!


If you haven't already, please be sure to like the Hawaii Slack page on Facebook... and we'd especially love it if you'd share the page or our sign-up form on your profile to encourage your obviously brilliant and talented friends to join!

Also, we've still got a few stickers left for your laptop, bumper, flask or forehead!


Hope to see you on Hawaii Slack, and out and about in the community! By the way... the #events channel is a great place to find or share cool local events!

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