Good Morning Friend, Most people are seeking this "perfect image" and they spend their whole life trying to achieve it. They think if they had the ri


Good Morning Friend,

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Most people are seeking this "perfect image" and they spend their whole life trying to achieve it. They think if they had the right house, clothes, car, job, etc. that they would be happy.

Truth is, you will never be able to attain this perfect image. You can get the house, the job, the car, etc. but you will always want the next biggest and best thing. You will never be satisfied.

Friend, you are already perfect right here, right now, in this very moment. What you are looking for is NOT outside of you. It IS inside of you. The joy you seek, comes from within. The peace you are so desperate for, comes from within. The love you are constantly seeking from others, comes from within.

Stop chasing the Perfection Image and realize that you are already perfect just the way you are, quirks and all!

Shift your focus to growth. What areas are needing improvement in your life? What areas would you like to change? What can you do to change those areas? Get a book on the subject. Find a mentor. Surround yourself with people living & doing what you want.

It's your life, MAKE IT EPIC!
-Jhon LeBaron

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