
January can be a weird time.

We're on page 1 of 365 in what's supposed to be a crisp, new book, pages blank and ready to be filled, yet for the northern parts of the country, we are not at the beginning of winter, but most years right smack dab in the middle of it. We still wake up and go to sleep in darkness, dreaming of long summer days and a chill that didn't sting our cheeks. The holidays are over but we're not far enough removed for them to feel anything but a step behind. Decorations now serve as a reminder of what needs to be put away and you've still got that one unconquerable Christmas song stuck in your head that always worms its way in (thanks, Paul McCartney). It's hard not to feel like we're in the middle of the road instead of the hope and optimism that comes with beginning a new journey.

But here is your yearly reminder that time does not count time. We do. We make clocks and watches and milestones and traditions for those milestones and say things such as "tomorrow is a new day," but when did we forget each second is a new second? Each second is truly another second you've never experienced before. Each second passed is one you will never get back.

We are not in the middle but rather a series of new beginnings falling one after the other, begging for us to take advantage of them, these gifts we'll never get back, a new breath filling your lungs--one more breath than some ever got to experience. You do not have to wait for a new year or a new day to begin now. Every second is a chance to turn around failures and to put the past behind us and to strive for more. Every breath is another chance for it to be better than the last.

So take a deep breath.



Begin again.


New Therapists Alert!


Meet Hasina Bankston

"My education consists of a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Western Michigan University and a Bachelor’s degree in Human Service. As a licensed LMSW in the state of Michigan, I am trained to diagnose and treat mental
illness. In addition, I received supervision from a fully licensed social worker. I have had the opportunity to work as an outpatient therapist, home-based therapist, medical social work and a host of community programs. My experience includes working with clients with depression,
anxiety, marriage and family and various medical conditions. This work has been with adults, children, adolescents and family. In therapy, I draw skills from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

It’s my passion is to empower individuals to improve their overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My goal is to meet people where they are and to provide a non-judgmental, culturally sensitive and compassionate approach to everyone I encounter. My approach focuses on building a strong therapeutic relationship and creating a safe space for clients to identify and work towards their goals."


Meet Intern David Wilson

"I am currently finishing up a graduate degree in mental health counseling from the University of Pennsylvania. I recently joined the clinical team at AFBHS and I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. I currently practice DBT and Motivational Interviewing as well as other therapeutic modalities."

Our internship program offers quality counseling for the uninsured at no expense. Interns have completed graduate level schooling and are required to work 600 hours prior to applying for licensure. Under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner, interns may diagnose and treat a variety of mental health conditions.


How to Stay Committed to Change

In this month's DBT challenge, Dr. Valencia Agnew walks you through tracking your behaviors. It's easy to make goals, but often hard to stick to them. This month challenge yourself to see your goals through and become a better you. (Do better. Be better. Think better.)

"It is the start of a new year and I would like to challenge you to go after your dreams. Don’t just make a new year’s resolution like last year and the year before. This year do something different and follow through by tracking your behaviors. How can you start? Well, what do you want to accomplish...?"

Continue reading this month's challenge here!


Do Better. Be Better. Think Better.

Doing better, Being better, and Thinking better are things we can strive towards everyday, and it is also fits the model of an effective form of a treatment, DBT, used for those with intense emotions. But at the heart of DBT is the mindset healthy individuals use each day with skills everyone needs to not only have satisfying relationships with the people around them, but with themselves.

To improve those lacking areas of your life, whatever they may be (do better), you first have to work on you (be better) and evaluate your thought process (think better). That doesn't just apply to having intense emotions with mental illness. It could be the kids are driving you crazy or you're stressed about work, or you've just had a really crummy day--DBT skills are life skills and at AFBHS, we want a healthier you this year and beyond.

Develop good habits.
Build up your relationships.
Train your mind.

Let us show you how with the AFBHS DBT challenge.

DBT Challenge

Take the AFBHS DBT Challenge

When you sign up for the DBT Challenge, you get a short blog from our therapists once a month of a DBT skill YOU can practice in your every day life of simple ways to develop those healthy habits, build better relationships with yourself and others, and train your mind, your perspective to help you deal with troublesome situations or just your average bad day before those things are at your doorstep. Start out by committing to a better you.

Sign up to subscribe for monthly challenges.


Upcoming Group Dates

Adult DBT: January 6th, Mondays from 6:00-7:30PM
Facilitated by Dr. Valencia Agnew

Women's DBT: January 8th, Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM
Facilitated by Samantha Lemmer

Adult DBT: January 16th, Thursdays from 12:30-2:00PM
Facilitated by Nika Fesler

Adolescent DBT: Tuesdays starting January 7th, 7-8:30PM
Facilitated by Brianna Taylor

Tween DBT: Thursdays starting TBA, 6PM-7PM
Facilitated by Brianna Taylor

Children DBT: Thursdays starting TBA, 5:00PM - 6:00PM
Facilitated by Danie Duron

Family Matters: Thursdays starting January 23rd from 7:00-8:30PM
Facilitated by Dr. Marcia Boatman

Learn about our groups!

Let's Stay Connected!



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