
Coming up- Flower Ridge All Club Hike!

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Join Coach Andrea on an all club hike in Strathcona Park this Sunday, August 13. Meet at the trail head at 9 am. Message Andrea Stapff if you plan on going so she knows to wait for you.

Juniors Hike to Marble Meadows

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Yes, we know how to find snow in the summer! PC: Lynn Swift

The Junior Race team hiked to Marble Meadows on the August Long Weekend along with coaches, Andrea Stapff, Brad Fraser and parent, Lynn Swift. The meadows were stunning, views a little smokey and bugs aplenty! Check out our Facebook page for more photos.

Kaslo-Haig Glacier Summer Training

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Hiking up to the glacier! PC: Andrea Stapff

Coach Andrea takes some keen juniors to the Kaslo for summer training with others clubs across BC and Alberta and then carried onto the Haig Glacier for some altitude training. Check out our Facebook page for some more photos.

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