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Mom tied me to the bridge.
(I am still working on "Come!")

Hi Friend!

Navona here. I would have written sooner but Mom was looking through the 412 pictures of me on her phone trying to pick the best one. She finally picked this one, in which I have very good posture.

Mom said we are coming right up on our first Thanksgiving together. She seemed slightly nervous about it because she is not a very good cook. I told her she should just serve kibble.

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Why are these here?!

Mom took me to Home Depot. They had leftover scary things, probably from Halloween. I do not like plastic zombie dogs.

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Quilted Tissue Box Covers

I am a good dog. I do not eat tissue. I have smelled it, but I don't understand the attraction.

Mom loves tissue. She smells it all the time. I've never seen her eat it either, but we have boxes of it all around the house. She makes pretty quilted covers for all the boxes. Mom has made some for your house, too.


If you want to look at all the things in Mom's Etsy shop, click the red button below. Mom has replenished stock so there are more Stuffed Pens, 3-Pocket Snappies, Drawstring Bags, Key Fob Wristlets, and some other stuff in case you're looking for holiday gifts.

About the red buttons: if Mom sells out, the listing disappears. If you click the Tissue Box Covers, for example, and there aren't any there, that's what happened. I will tell mom to make more if you want me to. You don't have to give me a treat or anything. Just tell Mom to scratch behind my ears.


Thanks, Navona!

We both wish each and every one of you a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!

Best regards,

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