
Solar Gardens

purveyors of quality succulents, fine gardenware,

succulent balsamics & olive oils, and fresh ideas

Home of the Firestick Cafe

cracked pot
crack pot

This old cracked pot was one of the first things that Chris ever made in ceramics. It's at least 25 years old (made when Chris was about 36 - you can do the math if so inclined!). Long before Solar Gardens was ever a twinkle in Roger's eye, this was the first pot that he planted up with succulents. Always one to stuff pots with as many succulents as possible, he used as many jade cuttings from an old plant as he could. As it grew, we affectionately called it the jade forest.

A few years ago, it cracked. Our first reaction was to discard the old pot and replant the jades. But then we started looking at it more closely and realized... that big cracked pot carries a thousand memories. It reminds us of so many things...a time when this jade was the only succulent we owned (but we didn't know it was a succulent), a time when Solar Gardens wasn't even in our dreams, a time before we purchased our first hobby greenhouse, how this old jade inspired us to collect more succulents and eventually try our hand at propagating them, and is a reminder of a time when Chris had time to do ceramics. In reflection, this is the pot that peaked Roger's keen interest in succulents. But perhaps most importantly, this cracked pot and the old jaded forest reminds us of our humble beginnings.

We get asked every day, where did Solar Gardens come from? How did you ever get started in succulents? That cracked pot reminds us all started way back then...with this amatuer home-made pot and a raggedy old jade tree that was slated for the compost! You can see our old jade forest when you visit. It's on a concrete end table on the south side of our house back deck.

The moral of the story? There's 2:
1. Funny what an old crack pot can tell you.
2. Chris is now a senior...but looking fabulous!

Where oh where did our public classes go?

succulent bowl

We are sad to report that this season's public succulent bowl and living wall classes are coming to a rapid end.

In fact, there's only 6 more public succulent bowl classes and 1 living wall class scheduled this year!

There's some room in all of them so book now or forever hold your "succulent bowl and living wall making peace" (at least until Spring 2019).

Check our perpetual calendar for the dates. Basically they are on the next 3 weekends on both Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm for the bowl class, and the last living wall class is Sunday July 29 at 10:30am. Note the odd time all you early risers.

It's fast and easy to register. Just click here!

Even though our public classes are soon finished, you can always book a private class right up until Christmas if you have 5 or more people in your group.

Thanks to all of you, it's been yet another record-breaking year for class attendance. You all get an "A" for that!

About mid-August we will be posting our fall class schedule...

Keep a close eye on the website for our FALL and CHRISTMAS CLASS SCHEDULE

If you visit that page now, you'll see our 2017 class offerings. You can't register for those classes...they're over. But it will give you an idea of the types of classes we offer in the fall and at Christmastime.

We're always busy dreaming up new classes for the fall and Christmas season.

It's Solar Gardens contest season...

secret garden nook

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and you'll be the first to be alerted when we're having a contest.

As a matter of fact, we just started a new contest yesterday. Check out yesterday's Facebook post to #LookLikeShare and you'll be entered in the contest.

This week, not only can you win a sangria/appetizer party for 2, but you can enjoy it in our new private 'Secret Garden Nook'.

And while you're on our Facebook page, be sure to take a gander at our weekly video postings. We've had a great response about them and we have had a lot of fun making them. Be sure to turn your volume up.

puzzle pots

Small Batch Plantings...

small batch plantings

From time to time, we discover all sorts of pot treasures (no...not that soon-to-be-legal kind...we strictly grow succulents here at Solar Gardens!) under the greenhouse benches and in various nooks and crannies here and there.

These are usually pots that we have bought singly or in small batches. Often they are one-of-a-kind pots. This time of year we sometimes even have time to plant them up.

If you're looking for a one-off, this is a good time of year to check out our courtyard. If you find a pot you like, don't count on buying multiples of them. They're special and unique pots. If you buy one, chances are good that no one else will have one.

It's hot...the Firestick has cold drinks...

toasted coconut frappe

We've got some pretty "cool" cold drinks in the Firestick for these hot summer days.

Check out our new frozen coffee frappes:

Toasted Coconut, Vanilla Bean as well as Mocha or Vanilla Latte (both with no added sugar).

Skip dessert...go straight for these icy, cooling refreshments. Through extensive experimentation, we've found an ounce or 2 of Baileys or white chocolate liqueur thrown in is a really good idea!

The Firestick is open Thursdays and Fridays from 5 to 9pm (all orders in by 8) and Saturdays and Sundays noon to 9pm (all orders in by 8 on all evenings). No reservations...just pop in!

Hate to mention it...but Christmas Party season is coming...

In this hot weather, it's very hard to even think about Christmas, but here goes.

You can book your Christmas party in the Firestick any day of the week in November and December. BUT remember, there's only 14 prime Fridays and Saturdays available in those 2 months.

So it's never too early to start planning your parties for your office, family or a Christmas party with friends. Our Christmas parties don't have to be all about food. You can add a class for even more fun.

Don't want to wait until Christmas for a party? Throw a summer or fall one.

Send us an email at and we'll start planning now.

cactus bowls

A little bad news followed by possibly some very fantastic news....

Our spring pop-up, SolarGardens@Avalon, will be closing this Saturday. This is the bad news.

The possibly fantastic news is that next week we will be exploring the possibility of a more permanent satellite city location for Solar Gardens. That could mean we would no longer be a pop-up, but would be a year-round fixture in the city.

We can't tell you more at this point since we're trying to contain our excitement and don't want to jinx anything. Just suffice it to say...we've got plans and are looking at a variety of options.

Possibly more news to come.


Really fast Dexter eye surgery update:

We'd first like to thank everyone for being so kind and interested in Dexter's progress.

In a nutshell, Dexter's cataract surgery and recovery has been incredibly smooth.

The surgery couldn't have gone better. Dexter could see the moment he woke up from surgery, and despite having to wear the 'dreaded cone' for the first month, he immediately returned to his old self, not bumping into a thing. Gradually his eye drop regimen is decreasing to a much more manageable level. And being the cooperative boy that he is, he doesn't mind getting his eyes 'dropped'. It's as if he knows it will all be worth it in the end....he knows...he just knows!

We are ALL so grateful.

We now call him Dex the seeing 'eyes' dog and no longer are we Dexter's seeing eye humans!

Succulently yours,

Roger, Chris, Quin and Dexter

cool dogd

Quin and Dex got it goin' on!

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