
Recently, I've shared my Homemade Liquid Hand Soap recipe and my Recipe for Homemade Hand Sanitizer, since stores are quickly selling out of both products.

While we are not going super crazy in our home about the Coronavirus, we are taking a few extra steps to be prepared for any kind of long stay at home, and that includes cleaning surfaces more often...you know, like tabletops, countertops, door handles, knobs and the things that our hands touch most often. To clean most of these surfaces, I use THESE Reusable Cleaning Wipes...I started making them for cleaning our bathroom, but have started using them all over our home. They are easy to make, and the cloths can be washed and reused over and over again! Grab the recipe for my Homemade Reusable Cleaning Wipes HERE!

To learn how to create a Pinterest Board to save all of my tips, check out the video I made HERE and never lose track of my tips again!

Are you following me on Instagram? I've been sharing some easy cooking and cleaning videos in my Instagram stories along with some fun behind the scenes looks of my home and life...follow along on IG HERE

Have a beautiful day!

Be sure to check out these ideas too...


2 Ingredient Car De-Icer Spray


How to Remove Price Tags in Seconds

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