More Than Artist Management

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With a combined 20 years experience in music management, Word Is Bond Inc. are continuously developing, consulting and introducing incredible bands and artists to guide them to the forefront of the ever-changing major and independent label world, both domestic and internationally.

Word Is Bond is directed by partners Erick Droegmoeller and Mark Woodbridge, whose combined efforts have acquired an outstanding number of successfully executed record & publishing deals to a variety of internationally known record labels and many longstanding partnerships with reputable booking agencies and an ever growing endorsement and sponsorship list for their eclectic roster. Word Is Bond strives to be the hardest working and most dedicated team members to their artists, in the music industry.

Officially formed in 2011, Droegmoeller and Woodbridge have successfully coached, developed, booked/acquired tours and negotiated agreements and contracts for 100+ artists across multiple genres, in over 7 countries worldwide.

Their combined two decades of first-hand experience in touring, campaigning and marketing through album cycles and additional releases has proven to be a major asset to all of their clients.

Relentlessly testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope of the ever-changing and adapting landscape of the music industry, the duo has cultivated valuable worldwide connections to endorsements, booking agencies, PR firms, record label/publishing companies and major digital media platforms.

Word Is Bond represents staple bands in the rock/indie community such as Abandoned By Bears (Victory Records, Swedish heavy rock/easycore five piece band acclaimed by Alternative Press as a top debut album of 2016 - "The Years Ahead"), Poeta (CI Records, New Jersey quartet featured on 2017 Warped Tour Skullcandy Stage supporting their debut full length "Golden Fields"), We Were Sharks (Panic State Records, Canadian punk rock outfit set to support A Wilhelm Scream & Such Gold in October leading to FEST & over a million streams on Spotify of their single "Bridge Burner" from their latest EP "Not A Chance").

Woodbridge says, "It is an awesome journey continuing to grow as an artist manager through this brand alongside Erick for many years now. We share a unique blend of connections throughout the music industry that has allowed us to expand in ways we never were able to see on our own, I couldn't imagine a better partner to tackle this industry head on with."

Droegmoeller adds, "I've known Mark for now over 6 years and even though we are in separate cities (me in Rochester, NY, and Mark in NYC) we consistently get work done for our bands every day. He's the best complimentary partner I've ever had. We continue to grow each and every year and a large part of it is, we know each other's strengths."

For more information visit the company's newly re-launched website: www.wordisbondinc.com.

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