Yes, you're absolutely right, there's "something in the air": Mercury turned retrograde on June 7th (til July 1st) and Neptune retro'd, too, on June 9


Yes, you're absolutely right, there's "something in the air": Mercury turned retrograde on June 7th (til July 1st) and Neptune retro'd, too, on June 9th (til November 16th). Add to that a powerful June 13th Full Moon and you've got…Something!

Still, let's keep it real…the energies are out there to be felt, processed and utilized, especially by the sensitive among us. There's zero to fear and nothing in the ether that should distract you from your purpose, plans or principles. Resist the temptation to counter malfeasance with misdeeds, even little ones. Refuse to let delays or last-minute changes rile you. Be the Calm. Others seem unclear? Clarify your own position. Getting what you thought you wanted, and still feeling unfulfilled? Hooray! That's your cue to reassess, and to maybe even take a break from wanting.

Because when it comes down to it—or so it seems—we all, essentially, want the same thing: to be known and to be loved.

Your Haute Astrology for the energized and fruitful week ahead!

And to all who thanked us on the 100th column anniversary last week, you are welcome!

You are known and you are loved,
Stella and Quinn

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