In this announcement: ▪ EMDR Research News▪ EMDR Advanced Consultation - Starts January 8▪ Basic EMDR training for clinicians - Spring 2016 registr

autumn path 2013

Welcome from the editor

Carol York

Carol York

On Friday October 23, the international EMDR community was shocked by the untimely and tragic death of Carol York in a vehicle accident in Austin Texas. Carol became a friend soon after I first joined the EMDR community in 1991. Carol made extensive contributions to the advancement EMDR therapy, some public and well-known, many behind the scenes.

I was privileged to get to know Carol well when she joined me in Japan for nearly all of my early trips there in the late 1990s. She was instrumental in helping Masaya Ichii and his team develop the now flourishing Japan EMDR Association. Carol was known by many as the founding executive director of EMDRIA where she served with distinction for many years.

I have many fond memories of Carol spanning the three decades in which we were friends. What I remember best about Carol are her warmth, grace, and generosity of spirit. Her obituary can be read here.

The EMDR Research News for November 2015

Just published on the SonomaPTI blog are 9 new EMDR journal articles with complete abstracts- including one English language open access article.

Looking forward, the next advanced group teleconference consultation series will be starting January 8. See the details below.

The Fall 2015 Basic training in EMDR has one weekend left to go in the 4 weekend series with the maximum of 25 enrolled. Registration for the Spring 2016 Basic training is open now.

Please let me know if there are other ways I can support your professional development in EMDR therapy.


How to forward the news or reach me

Thank you for subscribing and reading the EMDR News. To forward the newsletter or subscribe, use the buttons in the footer. You can now view past blog postings by year in the SonomaPTI blog. You can also find past issues of the EMDR News in the newsletter archives.

You can reach me through my web site contact me form.

Follow me on Twitter @SonomaPTI

Andrew M. Leeds, Ph.D.


The EMDR Research News for November 2015 is now available on the SonomaPTI blog.

9 new research articles with abstracts and open access links.


Sonoma Psychotherapy

Training Institute

Complete EMDR basic training

in four weekends

icon five small

Training Schedule and Information

Spring 2016 Basic Training in EMDR in Alameda near Oakland Airport

Registration will open October 10, 2015

Here are the Spring 2016 dates
March 5 and 6
April 2 and 3
May 7 and 8
June 4 and 5, 2016

Learn more about the Spring 2016 basic training in EMDR and download registration materials.

Read our FAQ page to find answers to most of your basic training questions.

See participant and staff videos on our YouTube channel.

Alicia help from forms and homework

Alicia - Forms, templates and structured homework helped make consultation an effective learning experience

Find out more and see a video of a training participant describe how helpful she found the forms and scripts used in the homework for consultation in basic training.

Those already trained in EMDR can review the entire basic training in EMDR and earn 10 hours of consultation toward EMDRIA Certification at the intern/non-profit rate. Follow this link to SonomaPTI for details.


Advanced EMDR Consultation

The Friday Telephone Group Consultation Series

Sign up today!

Series starts January 8, 2016 for six Fridays.

Note: Group and individual hours in this group series are NOT counted toward EMDRIA Certification.

Dates: January 8, February 12, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, 2016.

* differential diagnosis in cases of complex dissociative and personality disorders
* case formulation based on AIP, structural dissociation and attachment theory
* how to select from among a range of published, modified EMDR procedures

See the registration form for full details.

Face to Face Group Consultation in Santa Rosa

EMDR trained therapist practicing near Santa Rosa are invited to join this ongoing consultation group that meets the first Thursday of the month from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM at my office in downtown Santa Rosa.

Consultant in Training consultation

Become an EMDRIA Approved Consultant through individual or custom CIT group consultation by Skype or telephone

Contact me for answers to all your questions about consultation.

Find individual and group registration forms here

Individual Consultation

As an EMDRIA Approved Consultant I provide individual consultation to EMDR trained clinicians from throughout the United States and overseas. Schedule one-time, occasional or ongoing consultation sessions by phone, Skype audio or video conference.

Learn more about setting up consultation here.

EMDR and Dissociation

Choose Your Book Course

Read the book.

Pass the exam.

Earn your credits.

Choose your home study book course

EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach


A Guide to the Standard EMDR Protocols for Clinicians, Supervisors and Consultants

Both approved for 12 EMDRIA credits (and CEs too!!)

Review and chose the online or paper exam version before you pay for your course.

Also available

The Advanced Audio Course: Strengthening the Self

Approved for 12 EMDRIA credits or CEs.

EMDRIA Conference Distance Learning Programs

Earn from 1.5 to all 12 EMDRIA Credits (and CEs) by listening to these programs, reading the handouts, and completing short examinations

With EMDRIA conference courses you can choose from a variety of presentations on topics relevant your practice and earn from 1.5 to all 12 EMDRIA Credits and CEs from selected presentations.

Chose from presentations on
* The Neurobiology of EMDR
* AIP, Attachment Theory and EMDR Case Conceptualization
* The Negative Impact of Complex PTSD on Health
* and more...

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