November 2017

Dear Family and Friends,

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is here!! WOW, where did the time go. In reflecting back through the past months, I have so many things to be thankful for. God has done much in my personal life, as well as in the lives of the people I serve.



One of the highlights this year is the story of a young woman named Lupe. Her parents married her when she was 12 years old. The man she was forced to marry was much older than her, this man was abusive in many ways and he also had an alcohol problem. She was terrified to leave him but as she got older, she feared for her and her daughter’s lives and finally got enough courage to leave.

I met her three years ago; she was angry and bitter at men and God but finally gave her heart to the Lord. She became hungry and thirsty for God and His Word. I became her mentor and she calls me mama. The Lord healed her heart and she was able to trust again.

She also became one of my students and was the first one of them to get her Primary Education Certificate of Completion. She started her own clothing business.


She has had many ups and downs but she continues to press on and is maturing in the Lord. She has also become a little evangelist and shares Christ with many.

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In Service to the Most High,
Maria E. Lopez, President/Founder
Bridge To The Nations

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