News & Quick-bits 13 March 2018 Warts: Treating them with Homeopathy Nearly all warts are harmless but for those who would like them to "disappear",

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News & Quick-bits 13 March 2018


Warts: Treating them with Homeopathy

Nearly all warts are harmless but for those who would like them to "disappear", homeopathy can help – and in more ways than one. Read more | Comment


Homeopathics for Allergies

Do you suffer from cold, seasonal or dust allergy? Learn which remedies match the symptom profiles of sudden attacks, fever, thin watery discharge, burning eyes and more. Read more | Comment


Remedy: Euphorbia lathyris

Hallucinations, coma, oedema of eyelids, cold perspiration or slimy coating on tongue? Sounds horrible but Euphorbia lathyrism may be a remedy that suits.
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Remedies and Diphtheria

Diphtheria can be life threatening but historically, homeopathy was a common treatment. Even today, key remedies are still prescribed by homeopathic doctors, today. Read more | Comment

Bootle and Leaves - Cropped


Offer 1: $5.00 Baptisia tinctoria 30C Pills
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off Tear Duct Complex
A blend of remedies traditionally used for blocked tear ducts in infants, children or adults. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Save $12.50 off Mother & Child Kit
Covers common symptoms of pregnancy and labour. Contains a 114-page prescriber booklet. More info | Buy now

Specials end midnight on Monday, 12th March, 2018 (UTC/GMT -8 hours). Read more


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“When allopathic doctors were offering barbaric treatments such as bloodletting, leaches, mercury and arsenic, women went looking for safer, gentler methods”.
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5 Best Remedies for Bronchitis

Most Bronchitis sufferers are bothered by a moist wheezing cough and a sore, tight chest. Dr Sharma lists 5 different sets of symptoms for bronchitis and the remedies that suit them. Read more | Comment

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