Tony Gehrig: Why Does Fargo Keep Giving Tax Dollars Away? November 23rd, 2016 This week, Item 45a on the Fargo City Commission agenda was a 10 year

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Tony Gehrig: Why Does Fargo Keep Giving Tax Dollars Away?

November 23rd, 2016

Gerhig on Heitkamp

This week, Item 45a on the Fargo City Commission agenda was a 10 year PILOT requested by Border State Electric (BSE). Of course, you probably don’t know that because the Fargo Forum did not see it fit to report.

In easy terms, BSE is building a new headquarters in Fargo and applied to not pay $1.7 million in property taxes over 10 years. For them, it is smart business.

There is nothing wrong with a private company taking advantage of incentives. We all do it when we can. I do not begrudge Border State, FedEx, or any other company for trying to find ways to save money. This is not a business problem; it is a big government problem.

At the meeting I asked the CEO of BSE a simple question, “If you don’t get the exemption will you leave Fargo?” Her answer was, “Absolutely not”.

If that is her answer, why are we giving away the money?

Tony Gerhig Nov 2016

Here’s the video of the meeting:

An incentive, by definition, is an enticement to do something a company otherwise wouldn’t do. If the company will admit that they will do it without, it is no longer an incentive. It is a giveaway. It is an entitlement. That isn’t smart, efficient government.

It was no small amount that we gave away, mind you. $1.7 million will now be taken from your property tax bill in order to pay the taxes for this multi-billion dollar corporation. That is how incentives work. To them, $1.7 million equates to about 0.04% of their operational budget. To you, it means money being taken directly from your pocket book.

Gehrig WDAY

The FedEx deal has gone down as one of the biggest blunders in incentive history, recognized all over the state. This deal was equally as bad but this mistake costs tax payers about three times more than the FedEx deal did.

The state legislature is now watching. If we aren’t more responsible with our incentives, they will step in and take away our favorite toy. That isn’t a good thing; however it is probably necessary at this point.

I encourage all residents to make their voices heard. Email, call, or speak to your commissioners. Tell them how you feel about raising your taxes so that multi-billion dollar corporations can profit off of your property tax bill.


From July 21st, 2016: FedEx Deal In Fargo Amounts To A Kickback, Not An Incentive

By approving a $660,000 property tax giveaway for FedEx despite the company saying they would relocate to Fargo anyways, the City of Fargo has created a legal form of a "kickback" disguised as an economic development tax incentive.

Despite the well established moral hazard of tax incentives, the long held purpose of tax incentives has been to spur on economic activity and other development that would not otherwise happen.

This week, the Fargo City Commission added a new purpose to the tax incentive doctrine.


For economic activity that was already going to happen anyways.

Tony Gehrig

As you can see by this segment from KVLY TV in Fargo, the plan approved by the Fargo City Commission was basically a kickback, or reward to FedEx, for relocating to Fargo.

As a result of this decision, property owners in Fargo will be subsidizing FedEx just a little bit each year. That is just a little bit each year that every Fargo property owners tax bill will be higher than it should be.

All of these property tax incentives start to add up, and keep property taxes higher than they should be.

When local government officials complain about not enough revenue - local voters should remember to ask about how much money they are giving away.

Both with "incentives" to spur on economic growth, and with "kickbacks" for growth that would have happened anyways.

If you want higher taxes, keep voting in the same people.

But don't let your local officials complain that the state is not giving your local government enough money. That is a flat lie. Your local officials are turning down their own revenue sources. Why should state taxpayers bail them out?

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Dustin Gawrylow, Managing Director

North Dakota Watchdog Network
