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Hello and welcome back to my newsletter. This is what's been getting me going over the past few days.

And please note: if you'd like me additionally to email you as as soon as I write about something that's just happened, sign up to my breaking news service at the bottom of this newsletter. Either way, you'll continue to receive this weekly update.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement that Israeli "settlements" are not illegal has drawn predictable acclaim from Israel's friends and ire from its foes. Read me here, though, to discover why both friend and foe are ignoring the elephant in the room.

In Britain's dispiriting general election, a numbed and weary electorate is desperate for an end to the Brexit nightmare. Click here to discover why it faces a choice nevertheless between the devil and the deep blue sea.


Iranian protester. Tehran university 2017

In Iran, heroic protesters are continuing to revolt against the regime despite its brutal crackdown against them. Read me here on the degenerate British and European response to this potentially seismic attempt to rid the world of a great evil.

The third series of The Crown surfaced on Netflix just as Prince Andrew was about to blow up his royal career. Click here to access my Times column (£) on fact and fantasy in the royal soap opera(s).


John William Waterhouse: Miranda in The Tempest, 1916

I'm approaching the end of my US lecture tour. Still to come:
PALM BEACH, FL: Friday/Saturday November 22/23, Scholar in Residence, Palm Beach Synagogue.
For information about this, please contact Nadine Richterman at

BOYNTON BEACH, FL Sunday November 24, 11am
Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust.
To register for this event, please click here.

Please also follow me on Twitter at MelanieLatest and “like” me on Facebook at Thank you again for following my work.



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