FARE CHANGES EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 2016 The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority’s (RIPTA) Board of Directors recently approved changes to fare prices

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RIde vans get a new makeover! As RIPTA continues is ongoing program to upgrade vehicles as necessary, there are some new vans in our RIde fleet. These feature RIPTA’s trademark blue and white colors and the phone information is featured prominently on the side to make easy for customers to know how to contact us.


The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority’s (RIPTA) Board of Directors recently approved changes to fare prices and products including the discontinuation of RIPTKs and 15-ride passes. We are aware that there is concern as to what products passengers in our RIde program will be able to purchase for their trips as a result.

RIPTA will soon introduce a new ticket exclusively RIde passengers. The ticket will cost $4 for a one-way trip on RIde and will be sold in packages of six. These tickets will be available by March 1, 2016, when the new fare changes go into effect. Although the details are still being worked out, it is our intent to make this new ticket package accessible at multiple sales outlets, in addition to RIPTA locations such as Kennedy Plaza.

We will update passengers as the details get worked out, since our goal is to make RIde travel as convenient as possible.


Effective, March 1, 2016, RIPTIKs and 15-Ride Passes will no longer be available for purchase. RIPTA will continue to accept RIPTIKs that passengers have already purchased (and 15-Ride passes) on board all vehicles until further notice.

In addition to the RIde newsletter, please feel free follow us on Facebook or visit us at RIPTA.com for updates or to learn more about our programs and services.

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With winter upon us, we just wanted to remind our RIde passengers that sometimes severe weather may cause us to cancel or modify service. Please review our weather cancellation policy, so you know what to expect.

Also, please remember to always dress appropriately for the weather!

Thank you.

The RIde Program may cancel transportation services as a result of severe weather conditions posing a significant safety risk for RIde passengers and drivers. Events such as severe snow or ice storms, hurricanes, and flooding could result in service cancellations.

Whenever possible, exceptions will be made for transportation to life-sustaining medical treatments, such as dialysis. In accordance with federal regulations, RIPTA ADA service will operate whenever possible in conjunction with RIPTA fixed-route services.

Decisions to cancel service will be based on the best available weather information and travel advisories for Rhode Island as issued by the National Weather Service
(www.weather.gov). RIde transportation will only be cancelled when severe storm conditions jeopardize any reasonable expectation of safe travel.

If RIde service is cancelled, RIPTA will notify the media and post a service alert on RIPTA.com and RIPTA’s social media outlets (Facebook: @RideRIPTA, Twitter: @RIPTA_RI). Every effort will be made to notify passengers.

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