I hope this has been a great December for you and here's to the best year ahead in 2015. To kick off the year, I'm offering the Kindle version of the


I hope this has been a great December for you and here's to the best year ahead in 2015. To kick off the year, I'm offering the Kindle version of the first in my Klondike Mystery Series, "Not a Whisper", on sale for 48 hours for only $1.99

If you already have it, why not gift a friend or family member. Maybe someone that got a new Kindle or Kindle reader for Christmas?

But remember, you DON'T need a Kindle to read the digital books from Amazon. You can download a free reader app for most smartphones, tablets, PCs and Macs. DOWNLOAD HERE

Be sure to share this with your friends. The sale is on from 7am PST on Dec 31st until 7am PST on Jan 2nd. ONLY 48 HOURS

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