Take Your House Back, the course I created with Cas from Clutterbug and Dawn from The Minimal Mom is on sale!!!!

I know I talk about it a lot, but I always feel bad when someone misses a sale!

Here's unsolicited feedback about the course that someone left on one of my recent YouTube videos:

"I joined Take Your House Back last April and it has been an amazing help for me. Although the course itself has been incredibly helpful in establishing habits and routines that make my life so much easier and satisfying, it’s Dana’s No Mess Method that has made the biggest impact for me. I used to get so overwhelmed every time I tried to organize anything, not realizing that I had to declutter FIRST. I would just end up with piles that inevitably had to be shoved back together to “take care of later.” Then it would start all over again with no progress and feeling worse than ever. Now I declutter one item at a time and deal with it, whether it goes where it belongs, to trash, or a donation bag.

What a game changer! Progress is real now. The course is worth every penny. I had watched videos from Dana, Dawn and Cas for several months before I bought the course, but it’s the structure that made all the difference for me. I can go back and read, listen to, and watch whatever I want whenever I want. It’s a very well-designed course, and new information is added on a regular basis through videos, audios and blogs. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made!"

And someone else replied: "Agreed!! Same here! Affordable and well laid out. Not hoity toity at all like many 'programs!'"

Also, here are a few posts (with lots of before and after pics) I've shared with success stories from course members:

Making Your Home The Place You Want it to Be

Before and After Photos that Made Me Cry

"Less and Better" - more before and after decluttering photos

I thought I'd take some time to show you exactly how the Take Your House Back course works and what is in it. That way, you can figure out if it's something worth investing in, because it's definitely an investment.

This email is going to have a lot of photos of the inside of the course, so if it's hard to read in your email, scroll to the bottom and click "web version" to be able to see everything more easily.

See where it says "My Dashboard" up there? After you purchase the course at TakeYourHouseBack.com, you'll have a username and password that you will use to sign in at that same site. When you go to the site, click on "My Dashboard" and that will take you to the course content.

start course

Once you're on your dashboard, you'll see the starting point for the course. Click on "Start Course."

welcome and how to use

On the left of your screen will be all the modules. If you start at the introduction module, you can go through the welcome video, instructions for getting started, instructions for joining the (totally optional) Facebook group, and more.

complete this lesson

You can skip around and do any lessons or modules that interest you, or if you'd like to go in order, you can click "Complete and continue" below a lesson when you're finished and it will automatically take you to the next lesson.


Each module has multiple lessons within it. To look at them all, just click on the down arrow at the right corner of the module name and you'll see the lessons within that module.


Above you can see some of the lessons that are within Module One. Some are audio and some are videos.

bonus modules

After the main lessons of the course itself, there are bonus modules. As part of the course, you have the opportunity to submit questions to Dawn, Cas and me. We then answer questions (separately and together) in videos. Often, the videos are recorded live within the Facebook group, but if you aren't in the Facebook group, you won't miss out. We put the recordings of those Q&As into the course itself in the bonus modules. That's what you're seeing here. SO MANY question and answer sessions for you to watch if or when you want to watch them.

In this section are also the All Day Declutter sessions from past All Day Declutters.

And on Saturday, January 7th, we'll be doing another All Day Declutter. If you join the course and are in the Facebook group, you'll get to participate live and so many people have made HUGE progress on those days. They were incredibly energized decluttering alongside thousands of others, all over the world, working on their homes. If you aren't in the Facebook group, we upload each video into the course immediately after they are over (sometimes tech difficulties happen and it takes a few minutes) so those who aren't on Facebook can also enjoy the energy of that day.

see modules on sales page

The (pink) image above is actually from the sales page here. If you scroll about halfway down that page, you can see the names of every single thing that's included in the course. You can click around there to see what's in each module to help you decide if it is something you need.

Please note that there is a payment plan if you can't do the full cost now. Scroll a little over 1/2 way down on this sales page and you will see that option.

And of course, there's a money back guarantee. If you decide within 30 days that the course isn't for you, you can request a refund.

And here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

Do I need to participate in the Facebook group to do the course?

Absolutely not. The Facebook group is helpful for a lot of people because it keeps the subject matter right in front of them on a platform they use daily anyway. BUT, all videos that are in the FB group are also uploaded to the course itself, so you're not missing out on any content if you aren't in the FB group. It's just there if excitement and accountability are helpful for you.

Is the course assignment-based or self-paced?

It is absolutely self-paced. You won't be getting emails saying "Do this today." (That was one of the things I insisted on, since People Like Me rebel against stuff like that.) You can use the course to take all the time you need on whatever area you're working on.

Go here to learn more: Take Your House Back!

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