Share The Bite Sale! Hi Do you love Vamps? If you do then I've got a great deal for you! Share The Bite is a Vampire Romance Sale but it's only for

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Share The Bite Sale!

Share the Bite May 2017


Do you love Vamps? If you do then I've got a great deal for you! Share The Bite is a Vampire Romance Sale but it's only for May 1st - 5th so grab these deals NOW!

I've joined with a ton of authors to bring you a load of 99c Vamp romance steals! Simply click the image to be taken straight over to grab yourself some Vampy hotness!

Next up I've got details of a double release by the fantabulous Desiree A Cox PLUS she's got a Giveaway! Simply click on the banner image to go straight over!

No Remorse and Unselfish Love Release Banner

Click Here!

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who voted for the Zohar cover. The one that won, hands down, was the blue one! It's having final tweaks done, the ones I used were just mock ups, and once I have the final, I'll let you all see it! Thanks again for helping me choose!

Here's a breakdown of the votes so you can see how much the blue won by!

zohar results

Well, that's me for today, I'll have another wee one for you on Friday, so keep your eyes peeled.

Have a great day, and remember, Live, Love, Read!

Ava xx


99c or FREE in KU

Shifters Untamed 1

99c or FREE in KU!

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