Dear friend, Imagine a diverse group of people of faith joining forces for a sustainable planet. It's the hottest year on record, with fires in Calif

Faith and Ecology Conference outdoor session

Dear friend,

Imagine a diverse group of people of faith joining forces for a sustainable planet. It's the hottest year on record, with fires in California and flooding in Louisiana. The world needs our work more than ever to secure a better tomorrow! Here are some highlights from The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development's work in recent months:

Rome People and Planet First conference photo

We are promoting the teaching on faith and ecology in Catholic theological institutions, which train clergy to serve 1.2 billion Catholics. The Vatican is the largest religious institution in the world. The Vatican Insider published this article about our recently released Report on Catholic Ecology Courses in Catholic Seminaries. Additionally, the Vatican Radio featured this interview and article about our work.

Participants at Torreciudad conference with lake behind

I participated in, and spoke at, a conference and press event in Spain where scientists and clergy members came together in common cause for sustainability. The conference culminated with the drafting of The Torreciudad Declaration. Here is some Spanish press on the event, which likely reached hundreds of thousands of viewers.

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We have been hearing perspectives about what a 'shared society' looks like in Jerusalem-- see this blog post for some ideas.
ICSD co-organized, together with EcoPeace, a women's ecological tour of the Jordan River, comprised of an interfaith group of participants from ICSD's Women’s Faith and Ecology Project. As one participant said, it was 'enlightening, enjoyable, and inspiring!'
ICSD board chair David Miron Wapner shared insights on the connection between Earth Day and Passover.

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We hosted our 2nd Annual Interfaith Eco-Poetry Slam at the Tmol Shilshom Cafe in Jerusalem. It was an exciting evening of artistic expression and spoken-word poetry about the connection between faith and ecology! Fifteen presenters spoke to a standing-room-only audience. See our blog post and video about it here. We aim to hold more events like this in the future.

Like what you see? Help us do more of it!

With warm regards,


Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Founder and Executive Director
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development

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