Meditation Exploration Course I

The Performer Studio (TPS) in collaboration with Heart Compass Soul Coaching is excited to bring you an online 4-week Meditation Exploration Course.

Practiced for millennia, meditation is an experience in which a person can achieve a greater awareness, wisdom, introspection, and a deeper sense of self. Meditation is simply creating an environment in which we are able to reach a level of self-awareness that we are unable to do in our usual day to day environment.

The aim of the Meditation Exploration Course is to give the participant a chance to experience four different methods of meditation first hand in a safe and supportive environment. We hope that at the end of the course everyone will have discovered a method that they connect with and will be able to integrate it into their life as a practice of self-care.


Course Description

This is an exploratory, experimental course in which the participant is encouraged to have an open mind to experience four different meditation methods, one per week, during four consecutive weeks
(one month).

Each week, participants will meet on Zoom for a 90 minute session which will include a short talk and a guided meditation delivered by our facilitator Zani McPherson*.

In each session participants will be introduced to a different meditation method which will be explained and experienced together as a group. There will be time for journaling, Q&A and discussion after each meditation. During the week that follows, participants are encouraged to practice the same method at least once on their own and journal about their experience.

The aim of the Meditation Exploration Course is to give the participant a chance to experience four different methods of meditation first hand in a safe and supportive environment. We hope that at the end of the course everyone will have discovered a method that they connect with and will be able to integrate it into their life as a practice of self-care.

Types of Meditation we will explore

* Breath, Focused Attention & Visualization. This method of meditation uses our breath and imagery to hold our focus and anchor the mind in order to maintain inner stillness and awareness. Purpose: for calming, stress release, grounding.

* Reflection/Contemplation. This method invites you to ask a question (to your Higher Self or Higher Consciousness) and receive a relevant and applicable answer. Purpose: learn how to articulate accurate questions and receive clarity and direction.

* Mandala Meditation. This method is similar to the focused attention & visualization meditation, however instead of focusing on the breath to quiet the mind, we focus on the image of a mandala. Mandalas are colorful sacred geometric patterns in the form of circles. Purpose: to connect with higher realms of consciousness and your Sacred Wisdom.

* Chakra Meditation. This meditation method focuses on keeping the body’s core chakras — centers of energy — open, aligned, and fluid. Purpose: to establish energetic balance and alignment between body, mind and soul.


Who is this course designed for?
Everyone. No previous experience necessary. And even if you already practice a form of meditation, you can still enjoy and learn from this experiential course.

What you will need: An open heart and inquisitive mind; willingness to experience these methods; a journal; a quiet space all to yourself for 90 minutes each week. You will also need reliable Internet, Zoom and WhatsApp.

What is included in the course: Course handouts and 4 recorded meditations. A list of relevant links for further study. Personal meditation coaching during the week between our group sessions if needed.


Course dates and time: Sundays at 4PM MST on May 16, 23, 30 & June 6, 2021.

Course fee: $65.00

Space is very limited. To reserve your spot, please register with your payment no later than May 8. All payments are non-refundable after May 9. After May 9, if you’ve reserved your spot but are unable to attend, credit will be given for similarly priced courses through TPS in 2021.

Register today!

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Abut the course facilitator:

Zani McPherson - Soul Coach, Intuitive Reader, Voice Teacher.

Zani is a singer/songwriter/performer, voice teacher, sojourner, Soul Coach and an Intuitive Reader. She has been exploring and practicing an eclectic array of meditations since 2000, and maintains a daily personal meditation practice. She is the founder of Heart Compass Soul Coaching and is a Voice Teacher In Residence at The Performer Studio.

You can learn more about her life focus on her blog!


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