
Click to SEE PHOTOS from our Maui Vacation!


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What You're Saying...

Filet Mignon Recipe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

"Oh my goodness. My husband said that this is the tastiest steak he’s EVER had – this is so very good, Natasha! This is, by far, my favorite preparation of filet mignon I’ve ever tasted. I made mine medium-well and served it over mashed potatoes as well. Had some leftovers and it tasted even better! " ~ Caitlin

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Apple Tart Recipes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

"I’m baking this for the 5th time for the past 2 weeks, it’s that good. Perfect with a cup of milk or coffee, especially in the fall season." Evnika

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Lama made this Beautiful Wreath Bread!

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THANK YOU for following our blog, trying our recipes and sharing them with your loved ones. If you make something from our blog, hashtag it #natashaskitchen so I can see it. It just makes my day when I see you've made one of our recipes!

Loads of Love, Natasha & Vadim

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