P.O. Box 98, Senoia, GA 30276 ~ 770-599-3245 ~ www.senoiaumc.org Weekly Update: October 4 Sunday, October 4: Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost Worl

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P.O. Box 98, Senoia, GA 30276 ~ 770-599-3245 ~ www.senoiaumc.org

Weekly Update: October 4


Sunday, October 4: Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

World Communion Sunday


8:45 New Traditions

11:00 Traditional

Sermon: You're Welcome

Scripture: Mark 10:13-16


Stop Hunger Now - Meal Packing This Sunday


SUMC will be hosting a packaging event in the Fellowship Hall in order to package 10,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now.

Join us THIS Sunday at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to come help pack the meals!

We also encourage you to drop your change in the water jug or make a donation to SHN by making a check out to SUMC marked for SHN. Every little bit helps!


Goal: $3000 or 10,345 meals

Collected: $2,787.14 or 9,611 meals!

Needed to reach goal: $ 212.86 or 734 meals!

2015 Fall Festival

Around the glow from the camp fire, stories of Halloween adventures and funny tales are told. Join in the sing-a-longs while you toast marshmallows. Close by our church artists will embellish the faces of children of all ages with creative face painting. Settle into the soft comfort of beds of straw as we tour the grounds in an old fashioned hay ride, and if that doesn’t satisfy your All Saints Eve Celebration tour the rows of crafty, creative and goody laden trunks abounding in treats for the kids. After, during or before all of this decorate a mini pumpkin to enjoy during the fall season. Then to warm your body and “spirits: enjoy a cup of soup and a sandwich prepared by our good old “ghouls of the Kitchen”.


So feel the fun and sign up to park your trunk of treats or help by joining in the preparation and celebration. Signup sheets will be in the Fellowship Hall and or contact Christian Education Chair, Gary Baumgardner at 770-599-3089 or homedsgn@bellsouth.net.


Guatemala Mission 2016

Guatemala 2016 logo

SUMC is planning a second trip back to La Senda in Guatamala April 3-9, 2016. The team is currently being formed. If you missed last week's informational meeting and you're interested in going, please see Pastor Erik, or you may pick up an informational packet on the bulletin board in the fellowship all or click here. A $100 deposit is required to reserve your spot.


SUMC Garden Club - This Tuesday

Garden Club

Join us this Tuesday morning at 9:00am as we continue our beautification of the church grounds. Commune with God and nature, while enjoying the fall weather, as we tend to the front planting beds.

Afterwards enjoy fellowship with one another as we lunch together - bring a dish to share!

Contact Pastor Erik if you have any questions.


Pew Bibles

Holy Bible

To enhance the worship experience, SUMC plans to add more pew Bibles in the sanctuary. These navy blue Bibles with the Methodist cross and flame will be the New Revised Standard Version, 2007 edition. Half of the Bibles purchased will be large-print editions. The congregation can be a part of this project beginning now, September 6, through October 18, 2015.

The cost of each Bible is $15.00, and book plates will be printed and placed inside each Bible that is purchased. The donors’ names will be included along with names of loved ones to whom the Bible is dedicated “In honor of . . .” or “In memory of . . .”.

Order forms are in the Narthex and in the Fellowship Hall on the Welcome Center table. Your donations for Bibles can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering plate. Please make your checks out to SUMC and note Pew Bible on the memo line. Payment must accompany the form.

Please contact Jean Cotton at jeanhubb@juno.com or 770-599-0993 for more information.


United Methodist Women Retreat - Sign Up by October 4th

UMW Retreat

Wednesday Night Supper


Please complete the reservation card in the pew back and put it in the offering plate if you plan on attending or contact the church office by 10am Tuesday at 770-599-3245 or office@senoiaumc.org. The cooking team needs to know if you are coming!

This Wednesday, October 7

Menu: Beef Stroganoff, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert

Cooking Team: Jo Morgan, Peggy Nestlehutt, Chris Currie


Upcoming Events

October 3
Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for Life: 6:00am

October 4
Worship: 8:45am
Sunday School: 9:45am
Worship: 11:00am
Stop Hunger Now Packing Event: 2:00pm

October 5
Boy Scouts: 6:45pm
Church Council: 7:00pm

October 6
SUMC Garden Club: 9:00am

October 7
Fellowship Dinner: 6:00pm
Bible Study - The Gospel According to Luke: 6:30pm
Chancel Choir Practice: 7:00pm

October 8
AA: 7:00pm

October 10
Women's Prayer Breakfast: 9:00am

cross and flame

Senoia United Methodist Church Staff

Rev. Erik Mays, Pastor, erikmays@senoiaumc.org
Jim Preece, Organist/Choir Master
Lee Berry, Administrative Assistant
Bereatha Brooks, Nursery
Polly Watson, Housekeeping
Gail Noble, Sound Technician

Office Email: office@senoiaumc.org
