I am grateful for all of you and how your healthy journeys have helped mine! Please remember this holiday is about giving Thanks. What are you gratefu

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I am grateful for all of you and how your healthy journeys have helped mine! Please remember this holiday is about giving Thanks. What are you grateful for? What really matters to you? Why? These questions are part of STOP - CHALLENGE - CHOOSE and being mindful. I hope you choose you!

What are you thankful for

Remember your 8 Healthy Habits

1. Water: Drink 100 oz+ throughout the day
2. Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of restful sleep
3. Carb/Protein Balance: Eat small carb/protein balanced meals every 2-3 hours
4. Quiet Time: Take moments to breathe deeply and recenter your mind
5. Activity: Move your body - remember you NEAT points
6. Mindfulness: Be aware and make conscious choices - you're in charge of you
7. Avoid Yo-Yoing: Make a decision and stick with it
8. Support: Ask for help!

Here's to a very HEALTHY & HAPPY Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks

Client Support

We will post videos this week instead of a zoom call in our Facebook Secret Support Group by some of the leaders on our team. I hope you watch them all and feel inspired!

Here's one by certified Health Coaches Kristi McFadden & Deborah Olsen: http://youtu.be/L7LXJP724uA

Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Feel free to call, text, email, or message me for help! Here's my video: Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's to your Health & Happiness!

♥ Jacquie
