
Landscaping Dates for 2021

This semester the landscaping committee (aka Dirt Club) is planning our dates through the end of the year to make planning easier for everyone. See below for the list of dates and times. Note we're getting together a couple of times in August before school starts to work on prepping the campus.

These dates are subject to change (especially with weather), and we may sneak another outing or 2 in between depending on what projects are underway. We'll send reminders as individual dates approach, with details of what we'll be working on.

Looking forward to another year!

Aug 7 (Sat) 8am-11am
Aug 12 (Thurs) 6:30-8:30pm
Sept 2 (Thurs) 6:30-8:30pm
Sept 18 (Sat) 8am-11am
Oct 2 (Sat) 9am-noon
Oct 13 (Wed) 6-7:30pm
Nov 7 (Sun) 1-4pm
Dec 4 (Sat) 1-4pm


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