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Newsletter #132 for September 10, 2014

EPA Announces Two National Centers for Research & Innovation in Small Drinking Water Systems

Yesterday the US Environmental Protection Agency announced the award of $8 million for two technology innovation centers, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of Colorado Boulder. We are excited to be a partner with the UMass center as well as collaborating closely with the Colorado team. We plan to share more on our role soon!

"These centers will help strengthen the technical, managerial, and financial capacities of drinking water providers throughout the country. Both centers will collaborate with a range of stakeholders to support problem-oriented research on groups of water contaminants and their origins. This research marks a move towards developing transdisciplinary results that will be nationally acceptable and applicable."

Click here to read the full press release.

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Upcoming Webinar

Rate Setting Using the Water and Sewer Rates Analysis Model
10am EDT on Thursday, September 11, 2014
Hosted by the UNC Environmental Finance Center
Does your system charge your customers the correct amount for water? In this free, interactive webinar, systems will learn how to use a free tool that allows systems to compare multiple rate structures to determine whether a rate adjustment is needed to achieve financial sustainability. | More Details

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Featured Video: Crowdfunding Rural Infrastructure

RCAC, the western affiliate of the RCAP network, has partered with The California Endowment and the Pueblo Unido Community Development Corporation to launch an Indiegogo campaign. Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform, similar to Kickstarter, that allows the public to contribute towards an initiative.

Click here to continue reading and watch the video.

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Public water systems and private household wells use a combined total of 18.3 billion gallons of groundwater per day.

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Reading Selections

Detroit, suburbs OK regional water deal - The new regional water authority will provide $50 million annually to finance upgrades and help low-income residents avoid shutoffs.
What losing 63 trillion gallons of water looks like - Startling images illustrate the effects of California's drought.
Helping communities address harmful algal blooms - EPA research looking for treatment tweaks, other management strategies to combat toxic algae in surface water supplies.
There's a big leak in America's water tower - This audio/text article, from NPR's All Things Considered, highlights some of the science on glaciers and snowpack.

Plus, just because it's so cool (and water-related)...

An Icy Answer to the Mystery of the Moving Death Valley Stones

And from our own archives...

Tools for Transient Public Water Systems
Creating O&M Manuals That Get Used
Common Treatment Deficiencies
Salt Storage and Water Supply Protection

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SmallWaterSupply.org is a free service, grant-funded to support small community water and wastewater operators with comprehensive resources and information in one easy-to-use place. We also serve the 800+ training, primacy, and technical service organizations, by helping operators get to their information. We aren't buying, selling, or advertising anything. You can call us at 1-866-522-2681 if you need assistance.

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