Stories, Tips and Resources   ||   Issue #6 November 2015 Dear Reader, Apology for this late issue but I've been caught up with interstate workshops

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Stories, Tips and Resources   ||   Issue #6 November 2015

ChrisB thb

Dear Reader,

Apology for this late issue but I've been caught up with interstate workshops, recording Chair Chi video clips at various aged care centres here in Melbourne and home renovations. And waiting for tradies is sometimes like 'waiting for Godot'! ;)

In this issue I've focused on the Aged Care sector as that's where my focus has been lately.

Chris Bennett
Chris Chi

Lost for Words


I'm not usually lost for words when it comes to running Chair Chi sessions here in Melbourne.

But there's one response which left me lost for words.

At the end of each session I always ask each resident
"How do you feel now?"

One resident looked at me in bewilderment and said,
"With my hands, of course!"

Level 3 Chair Chi Training


We now have several participants who have completed our Level 2 and I'm currently working on enhancing the Level 3 workshops which will be offered in 2016.

More information will be available as soon as the program is finalised.

I'll also post updates on where and when the Level 3 workshop will be held.

Answer to "Not the E Word!"


In the last issue I posed the question 'what's the one word, beginning in E, that has 8 letters and can wipe a smile off a resident's face?

Well, the answer is "Exercise"! Here's why.

The word exercise has the connotation of work - and there is a tendency for some residents to avoid a workout. The reaction sometimes is 'I don't feel like it', or 'I've already done that'.

But if you change the terminology to, say, "Chair Chi" or another program name, there's more likelihood of a resident joining in. It sounds intriguing and very different from the word "exercise" - even though exercise will be a component of the session.

So don't mention the 'E' word to your residents. Just say 'Chair Chi' - or whatever your program is called - and add 'it's fun'.

Alzheimer's Hero


Caring for anyone with Alzheimer's is often a challenging task, whether you're a professional carer or looking after someone in your family. Sometimes it can feel pretty thankless, as there can be little recognition of your efforts, your compassion and your care.

So here's a great poem by Valerie Stephenson for all carers - to remind you that you too are an "Alzheimer's Hero". And even if you don't always know it, you're definitely appreciated. Here are the first two powerful lines:

You entered my world extending your hand,
Reaching for the “me” that I had lost...

November Chair Chi Training Workshops


Here we go again.

Following our two public Aged Care Chair Chi Training workshops in Brisbane and Sydney recently, plus an on-site workshop in Sydney, I'm jetting out again to three states during November.

Here's the schedule:
Adelaide: 9,10 Nov
Hobart: 16,17 Nov
Perth: 23,24 nov
Devonport: 30 Nov, 1 Dec

The first day is our Level One workshop and the second day is Level Two, which is optional.

Further details here.

Numbers are limited, so book online now to guarantee a place in the workshop/s.

Chair Chi Plus Pilot Study


I'll be working on the Chair Chi Plus Pilot study report this week and hope to have it published by the end of the year.

The Chair Chi Plus Pilot study is a program I put together for residents who are able to stand and walk - with or without a walker. It involved Chair Chi skills as well as Tai Chi standing and walking skills.

The aims of the study were:
* provide a aerobic workout
* increase leg strength
* improve balance
* enhance emotional and psychological well-being

It involved:
* 6 high care residents, from 81 to 96 years old
* 6 week duration
* 3 half-hour sessions per week
* Data analysis

The results have been very encouraging, considering the ages and conditions of the residents. I'll let you know as soon as it's finished and ready to share.
