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TFA e-News 26 Aug 2020

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TFA Survey Indicates up to a Third of Farm Tenants had Rent Issues Associated with Covid-19

A survey carried out by the TFA has shown that tenant farmers have been impacted by the implications of the measures taken by the Government to control the spread of Covid-19. Up to one third of those responding to the survey said that Covid-19 had impacted their ability to pay rent. However, most of those experiencing difficulties reported that they had been able to settle the rent or had been able to reach an agreement with their landlord either over reducing the amount of rent they had to pay or deferring it to a later date. Nearly all of those conversations were instigated by tenants. Whilst the TFA is happy that most landlords have responded positively, it is concerned that a hard core of landlords, including some institutions, have held out from providing any help to their tenants. In terms of expectations for future rent payments, many tenants are quoting bigger problems associated with the weather impact on crops rather than Covid-19 directly being a specific problem.


Government Extends Stay on Tenancy Possession Proceedings and Residential Notices to Quit

The Civil Procedure Rules have again been amended to extend the stay imposed on possession proceedings and enforcement until 20 September 2020. This applies to proceedings that were stayed following the original change to the rules, any proceedings that were brought after the rules initially changed and any which are now begun on, or before, 19th September 2020. To view the regulations introducing this change, click here. The Government has also announced its intention to extend notice periods on residential tenancies to a minimum of six months between now and the end of March. For more information, click here.

Welsh government

Rural Payments Wales Announces BPS 2020 Support Scheme in Wales

Following the success of support schemes introduced in 2018 and 2019, the 2020 scheme in Wales will again pay a loan of up to 90% of an individual business’ anticipated BPS claim value. The payment will help to alleviate the short term pressure on those farm businesses which do not receive their BPS payment on day one of the payment window, which opens on 01 December 2020. Applications for the scheme will open on the 01 September, via Rural Payments Wales (RPW) online and will remain open until 27 November 2020. Rural Payments Wales is encouraging all BPS applicants to apply. For more information, please click here.

Welsh government

RPW is Looking for Feedback on Its Response to Covid-19

Rural Payments Wales (RPW) is currently carrying out an exercise to reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on the way it works and on the delivery of its schemes. It is looking at what went well and what could have been done differently in responding to the pandemic and the control measures introduced from March. TFA members in Wales are invited to email any feedback on what RPW has done to date and what it should consider for the future. Responses should be sent to no later than Monday 31 August.

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Second Round of SEISS for the Self-Employed Opens for Applications

The second round of support under the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) has opened, offering a second and final grant of up to £6,750. The scheme is open to the self-employed (including partners in a partnership) whose business has been adversely impacted by Covid-19 since 14 July. A one-off government grant of 70% of average monthly trading profits over three months, will be paid to those who are eligible. The deadline for the claim is 19 October 2020. More information can be found by clicking here. For more assistance, contact Lynette Steel, TFA Farm Policy Adviser, at the TFA head office on 0118 930 6130.


This Week’s Farmers Guardian “Over the Farm Gate” Podcast Picks up Concerns about the New Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS)

There has been a lot of coverage in the farming press recently looking at the emerging thinking from DEFRA on the development of ELMS. The TFA’s response to the recent DEFRA consultation, which can be viewed by clicking here, highlighted concerns about the scheme's lack of ambition, innovation and its focus on paying farmers mostly on the basis of income foregone. These are themes picked up in this week's Farmers Guardian podcast which features TFA Chief Executive George Dunn. To listen to the podcast in full click here. The good news is that DEFRA is really engaging with the TFA and other stakeholder bodies in trying to improve ELM. Watch this space for further developments.


TFA Recommended Professional Appointed to RICS Arbitration Panel

We are delighted to report that one of the TFA's newest Recommended Professionals, Ruth Farrell from DJM Consulting in Shropshire, has been appointed to the RICS panel of arbitrators, having recently passed the assessment process. Following her appointment, Ruth said, "It is a great accolade for me and a responsibility that I take very seriously. I look forward to being able to help farmers in resolving their disputes.”

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Not Yet a Member of the Tenant Farmers Association?

If you are reading this newsletter and you are not a member of the TFA, click here to watch a short video where our Chief Executive, George Dunn, explains the benefits of TFA membership.

Yorkshire Water

Applications Open for Yorkshire Water’s First “Beyond Nature” Starter Farm

Yorkshire Water is looking for a young farmer to take on the 84 ha Scow Hall Farm, near Swinsty Reservoir, as part of its Next Generation Farming Programme. Applications opened this week for the scheme which aims to give new and young farmers the opportunity to take on a farm and learn the “Beyond Nature” way of farming. This covers broader objectives, rather than purely commercial agriculture. The utilities company, which is the second largest landowner in Yorkshire, will provide a mentor, training and business advice to help the successful applicant become one of the next generation of farmers. For more information on the scheme, TFA members can click here.

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Member Offers

Bira Bank Loans - TFA Member Rates

New rates have just been announced for TFA Members. Please click here to view current rates which include a promotional rate for vehicles.

Are You Renewing Your General Farm Insurance Soon?

If so, why not contact the new approved TFA Insurance partner, GRP Group, to see how they can help.

For more details, click here. To arrange for a quotation, please contact the TFA’s Membership Co-ordinator on 0118 930 6130 or email

Save 15% When Buying Latest John Nix Farm Management Pocketbook

The John Nix Farm Management Pocketbook is the most widely used and trusted agricultural costing book in the UK. The Next Edition of the Pocketbook, for 2021, is published in September 2020. For those wanting an early copy, please call the TFA head office on 0118 930 6130 for details on how to claim the offer.

For more information on the John Nix Farm Management Pocketbook, and to download the full Contents Page and a few sample pages completely free before purchase, click here.

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TFA Working For You

What You Need To Know...

Each week, the TFA works for your benefit. This includes giving interviews, writing articles and media releases, lobbying Government, meeting landlords and working with other farming organisations and professional bodies. The following have been uploaded to for you to view.

TFA Media Releases

MR20/33 – Tenants Need to Be in the Driving Seat for Autumn Farm Rent Reviews

MEMBERS ONLY AREA. Please note: Members will need to log into their TFA account before they can access details from the links below.

TFA Member Briefing Notes

#E04/20 - Amending 2021 Countryside Stewardship Applications to Take Into Account the Removal of BPS Greening Requirements

Business and Tenancy Opportunities

60 Acre Grassland Farm in Kerry, Powys is Available From October 2020 on an 8 Year FBT

207 Acre Livestock Starter Farm in Yorkshire Available on a 5 Year FBT From November 2020

12 Acres of Grassland Available on a 11 Month Grazing Licence in Cumbria From September 2020

25 Acres of Productive Arable Land in Wye Valley Available From Sept on a 2 Year FBT

68 Acres of Grade 1 Bare Land Available nr Norfolk From Oct 2020 on a One Year FBT

90 Acres of Productive Arable Land Available nr Norfolk From Oct 2020 on a One Year FBT

74 Acres of Arable Land in Norfolk Available on a one Year FBT From October 2020

298 Acres Arable Land in Staffordshire Available on a 3 Year FBT from Sept 2020

158 Acres of Grassland Units Available in Two Lots Nr Lockerbie, Scotland From November 2020 on a 10 Year MLDT

366 Acre Starter Farm in Scotland on a 10 Year MLDT From November 2020

269 Acre Upland Livestock Farm in Nr Hexham is Available on a 10 Year FBT From Oct 2020

110 Acre Holding in Wales is Available on a 10 Year FBT From Oct 2020

55 Acres of Pasture and Woodland in Sussex Available From September 2020 on an Almost 7 Year FBT

Share Farm Opportunity in Devon

16 Acres of Arable Land (2 blocks) Nr Boroughbridge on a 2 Year FBT from Autumn 2020

39 Acres of Grassland in Derbyshire Available from Oct 2020 for 1 Year

Mixed Farm Share Farm or Management Contract Available on the Isle of Man Ideal for New Entrant

Potential starter unit (Tenancy/Share Farming Opportunity) on the edge of Exmoor

150 Acre Organic Farm in Shropshire is looking for a Stock Farmer Business Partner – Flexible Investment Options Available

Dairy Share Farming opportunity near Cheltenham

225 Acre Livestock Holding in Cornwall Seeks Progressive Farmer with New Business Ideas

How much

And Finally....

Get Involved! TFA Rent Benchmarking

The TFA Rent Databank provides a valuable benchmarking tool, allowing members to make rent comparisons. Our Rent Databank is only as good as the information provided by our TFA members.

If you have recently agreed on a rent on any land that you farm, whether it be an increase, decrease or a standstill, please remember to submit the details to the TFA Rent Databank. This can be found in the members area of by clicking here, or by phoning the office on 0118 930 6130.

Remember, it's completely confidential. Only summary information will be presented online, so your farm cannot be individually identified. Further information is only shared with your permission.

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