10 last minute Father's Day gift ideas to make, baby wipe spray is here, win tickets to the Home Show. Weird Clean House I finally finished my thre


10 last minute Father's Day gift ideas to make, baby wipe spray is here, win tickets to the Home Show.

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Our lovely old villa

Weird Clean House

I finally finished my three weeks of spring cleaning and de-cluttering this week in time to let some real estate agents through to look at our house. The problem is that so much has been put in storage or in the skip outside that our wonderful, old, cluttered house feels very strange indeed. My office in particular has lost all its art on the walls, and clippings pinned around the place and both Paul and Pearl walked into it and pronounced it "sad."
I am very proud of myself and have rather enjoyed rubbing down my house as a way of saying goodbye. I feel very close to it as you know and I think it was just something physical I needed to do. I wrote a column about the whole process in the Herald last week which you can read here.
I was a little shocked when one of the agents suggested very nicely that before we put it on the market I might want to get rid of some of the clutter. I didn't have the heart to say I already had!
I would by lying if I said I was looking forward to selling my lovely home, but I know that it's time to move on, so I'm grinning and bearing it. And the sooner we well the sooner we can start looking for the country house of our dreams.

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Green Goddess Tidbits

As you know I've been doing a Green Goddess section in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly for the past few months and it is such a joy to write. It is also a hungry beast and is chewing through a lot of my lovely old recipes and hints and tips. You can have a look at some of them on the Weekly website here and see if there's anything new for you to learn about.

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Baby Bottom Spray

Some of our best ideas come from our customers. Last week a lovely woman suggested to Daniel that if we added a trigger spray to our bottles of Baby Wipe Solution then you could just spray it on baby's bottom and wipe off. Gone is the need to make baby wipes ahead of time. Brilliant! So this week we are selling our baby wipe solution with a free trigger for those who want to give it a go. I think it would make the perfect nappy change cleaner and you can use it with cloth wipes which you wash and re-use or keep a roll of kitchen towels handy.
Don't forget that our baby wipe solution is made out of perservative-free, all natural witchhazel, rosewater and water. Witchhazel is antiseptic and soothing for inflamed skin and rosewater is a wonderful antiseptic and anti-bacterial.
It is also wonderful as a refreshing face or hand cleanser as well.
A 500ml bottle will cost you just $15, will last for ages and this week you'll get a free trigger spray to go with it.
Click here to buy now.


Make the most of your veges

We all know that eating veges and fruit is good for us but we also waste so much of the goodness in them by storing incorrectly or eating it when it is past it's best. Here is a great article called 10 tips for preserving vitamins and shelf life in produce which will help you get the most out of your food.


10 last minute Father's Day gifts to make

Happy Father's Day for Sunday to any Dad's who read this newsletter.
For those who are looking for a last minute present to make have a look here for some great ideas. I'm going to have a go at making the homemade bitters for Paul as he loves making cocktails and I'm sure he'll appreciate a new ingredient to experiment with. I also like the home made hankies idea and the BBQ sauce.


Grumpy Old Men in the shop

If you're passing our shop don't forget we have copies of Paul's book Grumpy Old Men in stock for those last minute Father's Day gifts. It hit number four in the bestsellers this week and I'm so proud of Paul producing such a successful book. It costs just $29.95. Click here for more info about Grumpy Old Men.

The video Shell doesn't want you to see

I have to say that I really enjoyed watching the video made by Greenpeace where they managed to use remote controlled devices to pull up banners highlighting the need to save the Arctic from companies like Shell at the Grand Prix. Have a look at www.savethearctic.org for more information about how drilling for oil is ruining such a magnificent natural environment.
And do watch the video by clicking on the image below which will take you to the Greenpeace FB page to view it. It was banned on Google which just goes to show the pulling power of a multi-corp like Shell and just makes people like me more inclined to share it around as much as I can. Feel free to do so as well.
It's non-violent, clever protests like these which we need to encourage to get the message out about saving our environment.

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The video Shell doesn't want you to see

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Win tickets to the Home Show

If you're in Auckland or fancy a trip this way and would like to go to this year's Auckland Home Show which runs from September 11 to September 15 at the ASB Showgrounds then you're in luck! I have five double passes worth $36 to give away.
It was at the Home Show four years ago that we first launched the Wendyl's Green Goddess products so I have a special fondness for it. There will be over 500 exhibitors showcasing the latest products, services and trends in renovations, building, furnishings and outdoor living. Meet the leading renovation experts and leading interior designers, with a free seminar series to inspire and educate. Plus visitors can bring their plans and save a small fortune on their next home project with show specials and offers.
To enter the draw for the five double passes simply email showroom@paulblomfield.comwith "Home Show" in the subject line and don't forget to include your name and address. Five winners will be drawn and the tickets sent out. Good luck!

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Lemon Curd

There are lots of lovely lemons around at the moment so why not whip up some delicious lemon curd. This is one of my favourite things to do with lemons and it really is very easy. You can make up jars to give away (a nice little gift for Father's Day) or you can use it as a filling for a tart or pour it on vanilla ice-cream and sprinkle with crunched up meringues for a great dessert.
Scroll down for my recipe or click here to see it on the Weekly's website.

Changing your email address

At last count there were more than 10,000 of you receiving this every week. It's lovely to know how many of you enjoy reading what I write. But, some of you need to change your email address and unfortunately with this new system there is no easy way to do this. But emailing me means I spend quite a lot of time changing all of your email addresses! Instead please unsubscribe clicking the link at the bottom then resubscribe on my website home page on the left. I'm sorry it's not a litte easier.

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Come in and take a look at our shop at 356 Gt North Rd, Grey Lynn (opposite Elgin St and the Caltex service station). And save those empty containers and bring them back to our shop for a refill. Daniel or Sam will be happy to fill them up for you and take $2 off the price as well. We love recycling and we love you for it. Don't forget all our online specials are also available in the shop and we have a full range of Dr Bronner's products. For shop details click the picture (above) of the shop.

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Make your own cleaners with our DIY kit. Everything you need to go chemical-free for just $119. Click on the picture to buy.

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Always wanted to make your own cleaners but not sure how? Watch my simple how to videos to help get you started. Click on the picture to get started.

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Recipe of the Week

The most delicious thing to do with a glut of lemons is make lemon curd, otherwise known as lemon cheese. I have no idea where the curd and cheese reference comes from, because there is little dairy in this recipe and the finished result is a lovely velvety cream – nothing like curd or cheese.

Lemon curd was traditionally served with bread or scones for afternoon tea as an alternative to jam, or used as a filling for cakes and tarts. And it’s essential for a lemon meringue pie.

I like to use lemon curd on raisin toast with ricotta cheese, or you can make a simple tart by spreading it over some shortcrust pastry.

To get the most juice out of a lemon, pour boiling water over the skin five minutes before squeezing.
Try to use local, fresh lemons rather than ones that have been waxed prior to export from countries such as the US. You don’t want wax in this recipe.
There’s still some passionfruit around, so if you can find some, add the pulp of three passionfruit into the curd when it’s cooked for a delicious taste.
Lemon Curd

250g sugar
60g butter
Zest and juice of two lemons
2 eggs
1. Put the sugar, butter, zest and juice into a double boiler. If you don’t have one, then sit a bowl on top of saucepan in which you have water boiling. Don’t let the base touch the water.

1. Turn the element down to low and stir the mixture until the sugar has melted. Don’t rush this step.
2. Beat the eggs and stir them in slowly and gently. Turn up the heat and cook the mixture until it thickens. You can then remove it from the heat and store it in a clean jar. This will keep for two to three weeks in the fridge.


If you are new to this newsletter welcome, and thanks for signing up. I am a former magazine editor who left her highly stressed life and came home to tend a garden, some chickens and slowly discover a life free of chemicals and based on old-fashioned principles. I send this newsletter out every Thursday at 3pm (NZ time) and parts of it go onto my website blog page.I share recipes, tips, ideas and links to information about living a chemical-free life.

You can also find lots or recipes, tips, ideas and even knitting patterns on my website at www.wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz and you can also shop here for my natural laundry, cleaning and baby products or my books.

Talk to me
I love hearing from you with your ideas and feedback so that I can make this newsletter and my website even better. Please contact me:
general@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz - for any inquiries re recipes, household hints, living a chemical-free life.
shop@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz- for any inquiries about using the online shop page, finding our retail shop or order problems.
newsletter@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz - for comments on this newsletter or if you would like to share something.

You can read my Agony Aunt and Nana's Pantry columns in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly and my Wendyl Wants to Know column where I analyse the ingredients in processed foods on Saturdays and The Supportive Wife column on Fridays in the New Zealand Herald. I also have regular radio slots on NewstalkZB with Mike Hosking on Fridays at 8.10am and with Jack Tame on Saturdays at 11.15am.

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