Dear small business owner,

Here in the Great White North (Toronto, specifically) we have seen our share of snow, and even experienced Toronto's first "snow day" in 8 years. While it snows outside, I've cooked up the February 2019 edition (#63) of the monthly NewPath newsletter. Hope you enjoy it.

▪ "11 Steps to Membership Management Success" continues this month with Step 4 - Plan Your Website - Page Templates, Layouts and CSS. The series will complete by April 2019, detailing the ins and outs of starting and maintaining a membership site for a growing club, professional association or condominium.
"11 Steps to Membership Management Success" continues this month with Step 4 - Plan Your Website - Page Templates, Layouts and CSS. The series will complete by April 2019, detailing the ins and outs of starting and maintaining a membership site for a growing club, professional association or condominium.
▪ NewPath is proud to announce our first WordPress plugin - Wild Apricot for WordPress, aka WA4WP. This plugin can be used to create custom Wild Apricot member directories on any WordPress website. This plugin is the perfect way to build a completely custom directory from one or more Wild Apricot websites.
NewPath is proud to announce our first WordPress plugin - Wild Apricot for WordPress, aka WA4WP. This plugin can be used to create custom Wild Apricot member directories on any WordPress website. This plugin is the perfect way to build a completely custom directory from one or more Wild Apricot websites.

Stay warm, safe and sound! And if you're somewhere warm, well I am very jealous of you right now :)

Yours in the clouds,

Alex Sirota
Director, NewPath Consulting
(888) 781-2539


WordPress Toronto North Meetup

"Let's Fix Your Website" meetup is on February 21, 2018 at 6pm in the North York Civic Centre.

NewPath Consulting is a proud supporter of WordPress Toronto -- your Toronto-based community with a link to the international WordPress community. We are proponents of the open source and collaborative nature of this robust yet free web platform. At our Meetups we have fun, share knowledge and continue life-long learning.

To see all WPToronto meetups visit

Cool Tool of the Month

Weglot WC Toronto 2018 1

WeGlot - Simple Translations for Any Website

Every month we feature a product from the SMBStack (tm). This month we pick WeGlot, a small but nimble startup in Paris, France.

Using automated translation services, Weglot has implemented a "killer" app for websites -- automated translation of your website, in 5 minutes or less. Weglot can translate all of your site into more than 70 languages. But it doesn't stop there: any translation that is inaccurate or incorrect can be easily changed using the simple translation dashboard. Have a look at the translation in action on our website -- check the yellow English toggle to translate into French, Spanish or Russian. Let us know if the translations are good.


Work *on* instead of *in* your business this summer with strategic exercises from our eBook

There's never enough time in the day to get everything you want done in your business, which certainly doesn't leave time for those strategic or critical thinking exercises you know are important but just never get around to.

NewPath Consulting wants to challenge you to take an hour or so during your summer vacation, and try our business exercises in our ebook. You will focus your business efforts and improve your competitive edge with the many resources and ideas that will keep you profitable and growing.

And if you'd like to talk to us about any roadblocks or new directions, we're standing by to help - book a free 30 minute consultation today.

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