2015 - a new beginning (& some great resources!) Dear Member, Welcome 2015! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas & New Year. It's strange to think

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2015 - a new beginning (& some great resources!)

IMG 2445

The view of North Patau Beach, Northland NZ

Dear Member,

Welcome 2015!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas & New Year. It's strange to think that January is nearly over but I know that until school starts things are not quite back to normal!

If you think Vetanswers has been a bit quiet so far in 2015 - you'd be right.

I've just returned from 3 weeks in gorgeous New Zealand where I was staying in a tiny bach with extremely limited internet so I took the opportunity to have a complete break. And you know what? The internet didn't break and you probably didn't even notice I hadn't sent out a newsletter. (If you'd like to see more photos of where I stayed in NZ you can check out this Pinterest Board here)

Which I think puts things nicely in perspective and allowed me to read lots of books, spend time with my family & get chased out of the ocean by a shark (yes - all three of those things happened!)

But now I'm back & raring to go.

This week there are some great resources to share including a blank 2015 Monthly Calendar that I've modified to suit my needs & hopefully yours as well. There's also a 2015 BAS & Super Calendar for all of you who tend to forget these dates (like me!) and if you're a fan of 'Plumb's Veterinary Drugs Handbook' there's some exciting news about a brand new digital version.

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover.

Enjoy your reading :)



Vetanswers Featured Blog Post

2015 Vetanswers Blank Monthly Calendar

A Blank 2015 Calendar - always useful in your veterinary business

Last year I was trying to find a blank 2015 calendar that met my requirements - being a little fussy I couldn't find find one that was quite right, so I modified one to suit - hope you find it useful too.


What's on in 2015? Start planning your CPD for the whole year!

What s on in 2015

Click here to download a pdf version

New sessions added:

1. Turbo Charge Your Practice 2 Day Insane Practice Growth Workshop,

Friday 20th & Saturday 21st February, Sydney, Click here for more information

2. Veteducation Webinars

18th February Canine Vaccination Protocols
19th February Feline Vaccination Protocols

3. Orthomed Orthopaedic 1 Day Workshops (Ridgestop & MMP)

17/6 Sydney, 18/6 Adelaide, 19/6 Brisbane, 21/6 Auckland, 27/6 Melbourne, 28/6 Perth


Check out these resources

Plumb s Veterinary Drugs

Plumb's Veterinary Drugs - NEW Digital Access

"Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs launched this month as the new digital way to access the ubiquitous Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook."

Check out Dr Caleb Frankel's (VMD Technology) blog post that explains why this version is so different from previous digital attempts:

Introducing Plumb's Veterinary Drugs

Visit the Plumb's Veterinary Drugs website to find out more

BAS 2015 calendar

BAS, IAS & Super Due Dates for 2015

Do you have trouble remembering when your BAS, IAS & Super are due? To help you out Spectrum Financial have created a 2015 Reporting Calendar

Click here to find out more & to download your PDF version of the 2015 Calendar




This week I also found......

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