Just Keep Swimming

The Hard Truth About Innovation, Women At The Top & The Aldi Effect

Hello again.

Here are some articles that have been attracting clicks and shares on the Spring social feeds plus a new blog post...

▪ The new blog post that poses a question I'd love to hear your answers to please
▪ The usual mix of articles featured on the Spring Twitter Feed, Facebook page & my Linkedin Profile.
The new blog post that poses a question I'd love to hear your answers to please
The usual mix of articles featured on the Spring Twitter Feed, Facebook page & my Linkedin Profile.

Good to be in touch

01278 723716
07747 020805

Top Posts from our Social Media Feeds - Click the Pics


When people see more women at the top, they're less concerned about gender equality elsewhere


Neuroscience is going to change how businesses understand their customers


The key to career growth: Surround yourself with people who will push you ...


Research Explores How “Fresh Starts” Affect Our Motivation at Work


The hard truth about Innovative Cultures .... Innovation isn't all fun and games - creativity needs discipline


To improve your team, first work on yourself. Are you part of the problem ?


Stop letting email control your work day

thinking man

1 smart tip for squashing your inner critic - how to take on (and beat!) negative self-talk


The Aldi Effect: How One Discount Supermarket Transformed The Way Britain Shops


Just Keep Swimming

NEW BLOG POST - Just Keep Swimming

What methods, mantras & mindsets do you use to spark and maintain motivation when you're flagging, procrastinating or needing to energise yourself? - here is one of mine. I'd love to hear back about what else you're using.


Here's where you can get hold of them for a listen. If iTunes is your thing then click on the picture to the left, as that will mean you can access them directly while on a computer. If you're on a smart phone you can also search 'Spring Coaching Magic' in your Podcasts App or iTunes App. Another option is to listen directly from the Spring Website and/or download them as audio files: click here for podcasts section of blog

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