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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sunday Service ~ July 2, 2023


The featured Scripture is: Philippians 4:20-23
for Mike's message: A Closing Doxology.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion.

Come ready for our first outdoor service of the season, weather permitting. We will set up chairs and canopies in the courtyard, but feel free to bring your own. Collide Kids will remain in the service. Invite a friend, bring your Bible, and join us as we Worship out in the beauty of God's creation!

Livestream at: CLC Website
Recorded service posted to: CGCC Facebook & CLC Facebook

Come Grow With Us!



Worshiping Together

Spend Sunday mornings with us ~ in-person or online at 11:00am.
Let's grow together through Worship, Praise, and Prayer, in the Sanctuary and online.

Please send your prayer requests in for our Joys & Concerns email that goes out on
Monday morning! The CGCC website has a Contact/Prayer Request page, you can
email Jen Lynch directly, or use


Pastor Mike's Vacation
The pastor will be away from his normal weekly duties July 3-16. If you have a spiritual
need, please reach out to the Elders. If you have a physical need, please reach out to
the Deacons. Pray for a time of refreshment and renewal for Pastor Mike's time off.


Bible Studies & Ministries

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Sunday Morning Bible Study ~ 9:30am
Studying the Book of Genesis

Ladies Morning Bible Study ~ Friday, 9am
Alistair Begg & Sinclair Ferguson's Name Above All Names.


Wednesday Morning Prayer Group
10am at the Jackson's house and on Zoom.
Personal Meeting ID: 6936117456 / Password: prayer


Bartholomew LifeGroup: Saturday, 5:30pm - Bonfire at the Bartholomew's with fireworks at Eileen Kappler's later.
Young Adult LifeGroup: Sundays, 6pm (On July 9, we will meet at church from 6-8pm for a VBS work time. Paint may be involved - wear old clothes!)
Tuesday LifeGroup: Planning week by week due to summer schedules. Information for July 11 coming soon.

Catalyst-Men FINAL

Courageous Men's Night

2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month from 6-7:30pm.

CGCC/CLC Children's Ministry


Kids staying in Outdoor Worship this Sunday!

Collide Sunday ~ During Worship at 11am
Children enjoy age-appropriate Worship and a lesson then apply it
through crafts, games, and other fun ways to grow in Jesus.
* Nursery Care (Newborn-3 in Nursery)
* Collide Kids Jr. (Ages 3-6 in Sprouts Room)
* Collide Kids Church (Grades 1-4 in Activity Room)

VBS launches in 18 days!

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Blast off on July 17th at 6pm!

Don't miss this Stellar adventure as we Shine Jesus' Light! VBS will run July 17-21 from 6-8pm
each evening. Register online (It's EASY!!!) or grab registration forms at the VBS table.
Prayerfully consider who YOU can invite to join in our journey through God's Word!

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Donation board items are going fast!
Only four tags left...
1 roll contact paper / 1 roll contact paper /
30 black pipe cleaners / 100 9oz. plastic cups

Donating is easy! Just take a tag (or multiple tags!) off the board, sign up on the sign up sheet, and bring in your item(s) by July 9
so we can be prepared for an out-of-this-world VBS experience!
Every donation matters!

Thank you!!

VBS Work Days
July 9 from 6-8pm & July 15 from 9am-Noon
If you didn't volunteer to be on the Decorating Crew, we would still love to have your help! Everyone is welcome to help us create and set up for our outer space spectacular. Come one, come all to have fun and serve! Consider wearing old clothes, as paint may be involved in these work days.


VBS Needs Your Two-Liter Bottles

If you have any empty 2-liter bottles taking up space in your recycling bin - we need them for VBS! Please give them a rinse, bring them to church, and pop them under the VBS table. We hope to gather 60 bottles before VBS takes off.




For whom are you praying today?
How can we pray for you?

We are here to pray with and for you, anytime! Prayer needs sent by early Monday morning will be included in the weekly Joys & Concerns email. We are also glad to send out prayer requests and praise reports anytime throughout the week!


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Thank you to Marcia Kreps for sharing
and Darla Smith for writing these weekly
bits of encouragement.

"I pray you are all doing great and enjoying all God’s blessings. Northeast Ohio has had some cooler temps along with much needed rain. The gardens and flowers are very happy. Looks like our garden has grown over a foot in a few days’ time. It always amazes me, God’s great plan with all of nature working together to be beautiful. He thought of everything when He created all things. How special we should feel!"

"My WORD for this week is “MOMENTS.” How many “moments” have we had in our lifetime? We have all experienced those “moments” that we wished would have never come. In those “moments” of great sadness, our friends and family came together to help us through those dreaded times. There have been spectacular “moments” that we couldn’t wait to share with those same friends and family, like the birth of a child, grandchild, even great great grandchild. In those “moments” of uncertainty, we reach out to others for thoughts and opinions – more importantly, we pray in those “moments” as well. The Holy Spirit loves to guide us in those “moments” so we can see clearly how to proceed. In every one of our “moments” of life, we have a heavenly Father that already walked through our “moments” before we were even born. He knows exactly what “moments” may crush us and what “moments” will catapult us into a new season of JOY! Let’s love all the “moments” that come our way. They are here to shape and form us into what the Holy Spirit can move through - those “moments” that we have lived through to minister to someone else in those same “moments.” That is my desire, to help others through rough “moments” of their lives. Holy Spirit, guide us to whom you want us to reach. Let us cherish all the “moments” that come our way – good or bad.

"Read the scripture below – IN A “MOMENT” – WE WILL BE CHANGED! What a glorious time awaiting us! Have a wonderful week of memorable “moments.”

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be
raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NKJV)


Blessing Box

Located by the Sanctuary doors, the Blessing Box is always available. If you have a need, please write it on one of the cards next to the box and pop it inside. Additionally, if you are not comfortable putting the need on a card, we are always reachable by email at: or Requests for help with any need will be kept confidential.



July Worship ~ Online & In-Person

Pastor Mike Hileman ~ Sundays at 11am

Please note the following preaching schedule changes:
Ben St. John ~ July 9
Austin Young ~ July 16

We're excited to welcome you to Worship, in church and online!


Outdoor Worship

July 2 - July 30 - August 27 - September 24

Mark your calendars and join us for church in the great outdoors!
This year we are trying something new - meeting in the courtyard between the church
and warehouse, hoping it will be more quiet than out front. Park like normal, head into
the building, walk straight back past the desk to the hallway, and head out the door.
Chairs and canopies will be set up or you can bring your own.


Mackenzie's Dedication - Sunday July 9th

Next Sunday, we have the honor of Dedicating Mackenzie Mae Young! This is a precious time for Danielle and Austin to declare to the Lord their dedication of raising Mackenzie in the ways of the Lord, as well as for the church to declare our dedication to assist in this most important work.


Volunteer Opportunities

There's always a way to serve!

Sundays, Before Worship - Hospitality Team
Help us make everyone feel at home here among our church family!
This Sunday is the last day the sign up sheet will be at the front desk.

July 9, 6-8pm & July 15, 9am-Noon - VBS Work Days
Please come in old clothes as paint may be involved!
See Danielle, Delania, or Monica with questions.

July 17-21, 6-8pm - Stellar Vacation Bible School
Come share in the learning about God's Word! Fun & learning guaranteed!

Weekdays, 9am-2pm
Volunteer with GG to take care of church property or do special projects!


Quarterly Church Potluck Luncheons

September 10 & December 3


News & Events From GG

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.

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Check out the chalk art in the photo to the left. That masterpiece was created by our own Keaton Surgenavic over the weekend at Columbiana's Chalk on the Walk. He took first place in his category. Congratulations, Keaton!

We started off the week with some cleaning and some wet wall repair. We only had a small group on Monday and everyone was feeling that Monday kind of feeling for sure! Tuesday's rain also kept us mostly inside, making new batches of jam.

We also got some planting done this week. Here at GG we try to do succession planting, which means we stagger sowing seeds, so that different batches of the same plant mature at different times. This is the best way to have crops like lettuce and other greens available throughout the CSA season.

Wednesday was a Fitness For All day for some of our crew and we had another great class. We tried a bunch of new exercises using different equipment. Can't wait to see what we do there next Wednesday. (Check out their page on Facebook to learn more about this amazing gym!) While folks were in Canfield, the rest of our group started cleaning up the courtyard and preparing for CSA day.

Today is the first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share day and we are excited! Our subscribers will be stopping by tonight between 4-7pm to pick up their basket of goodies. Happy CSA season to all!

Peas & Onions & Garlic, Oh My!

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Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam

Available at Reach for the STARS in Salem, in Columbiana at Living Luxe Designs, and here at GG.

We'll be at the Youngstown Flea on July 8 & BirdFish's Summer Farm & Art Market on July 15 in Columbiana! Come visit, get your jam supply stocked up, and check out all
the truly awesome local vendors and makers!

Jungle Jam: - $7 - Blueberry Jalapeno,Strawberry Jalapeno, Hot,
Cherry Habanero, Pineapple Habanero, Dragon

Juicy Jam: - $7 - Cherry Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade

Special $5 Sale on Cranberry Jalapeno Jungle Jam! Only a few left until fall!

We also have:
Organic Catnip Toys ~ handmade here, with our catnip, cost - $4
Handmade Wine Cork Cat Toys ~ designed by our clients, cost - $1
GG T-Shirt ~ $15 assorted sizes



Goodness Grows

The non-profit ministry of CGCC, Goodness Grows is always busy on our property.
GG works with students and adults with disabilities, providing vocational habilitation training
in a fun, hands-on way. The GG crew maintains the grounds and cleans the building.

If you are looking for a way to serve, come help GG take care of the grounds. We'd love to have you join in the work and the play!!! Talk to Rachel Vignon to see how you can help!


Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.

To Advocate, Advise, Advance the ministries
of Divine Soccer in Masaka, Uganda for the benefit
of the children of the community

Sponsorships and donations can be made to:
Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.
1814 E. 3rd St., Salem, OH 44460
or via Pay Pal at
Learn more at: Rock Kidz Uganda and on:

Letters for the Kids of Divine Junior School

The Uganda Mission Trip departs on July 10!
Our goal is actually to have a letter for every child at the school!

Use the names of the kids on our poster in the Great Room or leave off a name so
your letter can be shared with any student. You can even write more than one letter!
Ask them questions about school, home, and their life. Share encouragement, scripture,
and lots of love. You may even include pictures! Please bring them to church, send to, or mail to ​1814 E 3rd St, Salem, OH 44460.

Please keep all those on the mission trip in your prayers. Pray for traveling mercies,
for safety, and that all are willing to be used as the Lord wants, that He gives
the messages and love to share.

child with letter
RKU Letter Writing 2023 pic
boy with mail

Sending love across the miles!


October Coat & Clothing (& More!) Giveaway

Saturday, October 21, 9:30am-1pm

We accept donations of clean, useful items all year. Drop them off under the overhang at the back of the warehouse or use the barrel by the library table in the Great Room. If you need help unloading, Goodness Grows folks are usually available weekdays from 9:15am-1:45pm. We would also appreciate any shopping bags and especially any boxes that you can save.

Pantry Staples Bags for Giveaway 2023
We've set an ambitious goal of filling 500 bags with the following items:
peanut butter (or other nut butter) / tuna / canned veggies / mac & cheese
pasta & sauce / canned fruit / granola bars
We will be accepting monetary donations as well as the requested items through October 8. If we start shopping now, find some good sales, and are careful to check for expiration dates that are well past October 21, 2023, we might be able to send a bag of food home with every person who attends the Giveaway! Let's dream BIG and work together for our community!!


Heroes & Halos

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Learn more about Heroes & Halos on their Facebook page and stay up to date on what they are doing in the community. H&H is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the community and provides Awareness, Education, Assistance, and Outreach Programs regarding Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities and their families.

H&H volunteers will be at the warehouse for a while today around lunchtime and again this evening. If you have a need, or know of someone with a need, please let Pam Veiock know.


Sign Up Now for the Point 5k Fundraiser for the Rescue Mission!


The 2023 Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley Point 5k will take place at White House Fruit Farm on Saturday, July 8th, 2023! Lots of fun. Family-friendly. A great time on the farm!

Just like each year, it’s not a 5k…. it’s a POINT 5k, which means you’ll be walking just 1,640 feet start to finish! And what would a trip to White House be without a donut. So to keep up your strength so you can cross the finish line strong, we will have a donut stop at the 1/2 way mark.

Just $5 to register and you get an official Point 5k car decal at the end of the “race!”
One-hundred percent of each $5 donation goes to providing overnight emergency food and
shelter for up to 186 men, women, and children nightly at Rescue Mission of the
Mahoning Valley and to help feed dozens more from the public daily.

Register today to have fun and help our valley's Mission!
Point 5K to Benefit Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley

Have more questions? Talk to our own Janine Landis and she can point you
in the right direction to get the info you're seeking!


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!


Lepper Library Program for All Ages

303 E Lincoln Way, Lisbon

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East Liverpool's 53rd Annual Tri-State Pottery Festival

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First Annual Fireworks Show - Fire "Shaker" Works

Saturday is the first annual fireworks show at Shaker Woods! There will be live music,
food trucks, and a fireworks show by Phantom Fireworks. The gates open at 5pm, and the
fireworks show starts when dark. Donations are greatly appreciated. Proceeds will go to
Shaker Woods Helping Hands, a 501C3 nonprofit organization - "Restoring and rebuilding hope
in our community and surrounding areas one business, one family, one life at a time."

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Concerts in the Courtyard at Firestone Farms

Saturday, 7-9pm
Chardon Polka Band
This group is a modern polka band, bringing polka music to a new generation. They are among the greater Cleveland area’s most recognizable performers at local parks, festivals, parades, parties, and fund-raisers, and still perform regularly at local nursing homes. The polka band has a faithful fan base, ranging from senior citizens to small children, teens, and twenty-somethings.
Snag a seat, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show in the
kid-friendly courtyard. Lots of seating available, or bring your own.

~ Planning Ahead for Summer Events ~

Shrine Club Auto Show Just Up the Road ~ July 15

This is a benefit for special needs kids and families featuring cars, bikes, music, and food. Our parking lot will be utilized by them for overflow parking and a shuttle service, so if you see lots of cars here that Saturday, don't be surprised. Consider attending and supporting a great cause!




Today - International Fisherman’s Day
June 30 - Hannah Hileman
July 4 - Independence Day
July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month (Did you know that July 4 and the surrounding days are when more pets are lost than any other time?)

If we don't have your special days,
please let us know!!!

Email the secretary at



June 29-July 5, 2023 . . .
Weekdays, 8:30am-2:30pm - Goodness Grows at Work
Today, 4-7pm - CSA Pick Up (Weekly & Bi-Weekly)
Friday, 9am - Ladies Bible Study
Friday, 6:30pm - Praise Team
Saturday, 5:30pm - Bartholomew LifeGroup
Sunday, 9:30am - Bible Study
Sunday, 10:15am - Fellowship Time
Sunday, 11am - Outdoor Worship & Communion
Sunday, 6pm - Young Adult LifeGroup
Tuesday - Office & GG Closed
Wednesday, 10am - Prayer Group
Wednesday, 10am - GG at Fitness For All

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Common Ground Church Community
Connecting Life Church
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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